Little Giant Hatch Along

Thank you!!

I just spot checked 4 eggs and all look alive, good veining, no blood rings and I even saw movement in a Marans Egg. Feeling much better!!

How far along are your eggs? You can see movement in a dark maran egg?

7 days old. I stold my husbands tactical flashlight (for night shooting) out of his range bag. It's hard to see the veining on the dark eggs, but I can clearly see the eye (dark spot) moving in there. Suprised me, because it is a beautiful dark chocolate egg.

Actually I guess they are only 6 days, since you don't count day set day.
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How far along are your eggs? You can see movement in a dark maran egg?

7 days old. I stold my husbands tactical flashlight (for night shooting) out of his range bag. It's hard to see the veining on the dark eggs, but I can clearly see the eye (dark spot) moving in there. Suprised me, because it is a beautiful dark chocolate egg.

Actually I guess they are only 6 days, since you don't count day set day.

Mine were day 8 and I still couldn't see inside all my Marans and most my Welsummers. I am thinking its the flashlight but the ones I can see, none are moving so who knows. I will check out some flashlights at lowes tomorrow.
Hi all! Am I too late to join this thread? Yep, I'm a newb. Not to hatching but to BYC.

Obviously I'm using the LG. I actually have two going now. One with about 32 LF Cochins of different color varieties, and the other has one Dewlap Toulouse and 8 Sebestopols in it. The Cochins are at a staggered hatch with the Barred due on the 21/22 and the Lemon Blue due on the 29th. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, 8 BLRWs due on the 29th as well. The Dewlap is due in five days (fingers crossed) and the Sebbies aren't due till May 4th. Oh my I'm a nervous wreck over them Sebbie eggs!

I've heard a lot of negative about Little Giant bators, but I'm having no trouble at all out of mine. The only drawback so far is that because geese are so tall, you can't leave them in the bator to dry. I just put mine in a little blanket nest in a box and put a heating pad underneath them for a few hours and then moved them to the big tub their in now with a heat light and they did just great! It was my first time EVER hatching geese. I won 2 eggs on ebay, both were fertile and both hatched! Not bad for my first time! If LG was as bad as some say, there's no way Id have baby geese right now. Mine are both band new though so maybe they get worse with age or something?

Good luck everyone! I'm so excited for us all!
Welcome....LF Cochins are my favorite! Where are you scheming....I too, have LF Cochin eggs in the incubator and go into lockdown tonight. I sure hope they make it. I have a Big Beautiful Barred Roo over a beautiful black cochin hen. I had two hens but a racoon got one two weeks ago....some of these are her eggs and some are the others eggs.

Good luck and let me see pictures of your cochin babies!
And Sweet Harry sure needs some Barred girlfriends and I can't find any!
Hi there bburn! Congradulations! You're officially the first person who spoke to me! LOL You are spot on about Cochins. They are amazing and so sweet! Is there anything cuter than a little bitty cochin chick?! I think not!

Anyway, I'm in Tennessee. I'm just re-starting out with the birds. Ive raised chickens and other critters all my life but have been without any for a couple years due to health and other problems. I started buying eggs a couple months ago and have been hatching like a mad woman ever since! If you'll PM me or send me an email, Id be happy to give you the info for the guy I bought my barred cochin eggs from. Some of his eggs were on the small size, but his packaging was excellent and his prices are fair. Not a single egg arrived cracked and he charged me 16.50 + shipping for a dozen eggs and sent 14. Unfortunately though I candled last night and it looks like only half are growing. I guess that's the risk you take with shipped eggs though.

Let me know if you want the info and good luck with your cochins. I have to post with my phone right now but if it will let me, Ill add pics when they hatch! CANT WAIT!!!
What I want to do it increase my cochin flock. And I do want to add a couple of girls for Sweet Harry. I understand that the chicks that hatch with this batch can go back in with him at some point. (had to get over the incest But my goal is to add new blood to the flock. Have a fella over in the next county I have ran in to a couple of times that has some LF going to try and find him and get eggs. Am not sure how I feel about shipped eggs because of the loss everyone has. I might have to give that up after a while to be able to get some barred cochins for Harry.
Harry is a gentle giant and harms none. Unlike my Barred Rock roo or my cochins are my goal.

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