Little Giant Hatch Along

#10 just
popped out, can't beleive it, but it is here.

I had to give our little 'shell butt' a cotton ball bath and put him/her back in the bator to dry and he/she cheeped so loudly the other just popped out.

I wonder if the other 7 will do something??? 2 have pips.
Six chicks and five more pips.....just keep them coming!!!

Still waiting on a cochin....the one that pipped....has a little blood in the pip and I think it hit a not going in to try and do anything....if it makes it, it makes it.

But more pips everywhere....
I am really worried about one of our chicks. The one that had the egg shell pasted to its bum, well I get the shell off (nothing but dried membranes) but the other chicks kept pecking at him because there was piece of membrane stuck to the side of his neck and he was so stiff, not fluffing up at all. I took a cottonball and gave him a warm water bath then put him back in the incubator to dry. We he has been in there for over an hour now and he still looks wet but he also seems like he is sick now.

He is tinier than any of the other chicks even the other black ones like him. Don't know what he is (as I don't know what any of them are) but he just seems really weak.

I don't know to leave him in the bator over night or take him out and put him back in the brooder?? There is another chick in the bator, hatched right after I put him back in to dry off.

Just worried, too worried to even go to bed!

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