Little Giant Hatch Along

Are your temps too high or too low at the present time??

If too low, I would suggest putting something around it, I put a large beach towel and wrapped it up on the sides and front when needed.

If it is running too high, maybe the other bator is making that happen, can you move them away from each other??
I am sorry to hear that
But at least you where able to save those 3
That chick is a cutie! Good work on saving those three Orps and the Ameraucanas. Sounds like you are going to stick with the "dry" method since it worked better for you.
Hi Sumatra! (The ducks are doing well BTW)

Do you have it sitting next to a register or intake? Next to a window where it would get more light than the other sitting beside it? My heart goes out to you. I hope that it levels out for you. What temps is it fluctuating from?

Your new pal (I really enjoyed visiting with you at chickenstock!-My son wants more button females. Do you have eggs?)
Can you make a pip in the shell for a chick? I just lost a chick because it could not pip and was shrink wrapped, I believe it's called. I have two chicks out now and have helped both out as they cant get out there own. They are so cute running around the brooder
I can see chicks in the rest of the eggs and they will wiggle a little but they have been wiggling the last 3 days and still nothing. I am not going to loose another chick if I can help it. It was so sad I wanted to help that chick so bad but everyone says to let them do it on there own. We where gone an hour and still nothing so I opened the egg and she was dead
Well, I gave up and eggtopsied the 36 eggs in the incubator. The original 30 eggs I drove to a neighboring state to acquire- the green eggs I was hoping to hatch- never even got started. It was hard to candle the green eggs so I just hoped and stayed with them until day 24.
The 6 eggs I got locally to fill out the incubator had 5 late quitters- I think they made it to lockdown, and were almost fully developed but did not completely absorb yolk sacks.
I think they made it to about day 18 from the looks of things.
Could it be that bacteria etc from the 30 unfertiles which were not removed were the reason the 5 embryos failed to pip ?
I'm looking for answers so failure is not repeated with the next attempt.
Sorry to report such a negative result, but I appreciate the kind words and the encouragement I got along the way.
Either the rooster from the original batch was shooting blanks, (the owner said she had tried without success to hatch a bunch herself... that should have told me something) or they were not handled/turned/stored at proper temps, and never had a chance.
Thank you all for letting me participate and report on my experience as a first time hatcher.
And good luck to the rest of you... take good care of those new fuzzy butts!

Big Congrats to all the hatchers. We go into lockdown on Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll keep you posted.
If you are using the thermometer that came with the LG get another one....they are off always. The best advice I got for the LG was to adjust the temp and then leave it along for a long time....give it time to do what you are asking of it. Once you find the sweet spot...mark it with a sharpie. And I kept towels wrapped around mine where the two pieces come together. Seems to help.

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