Little Giant Hatch Along

Does anyone have an answer to this?! I'm getting really nervous! I don't think it's turning, what should I do?

Just thought I would bump you. Hope you get an answer. If it were me, and I have never done this, newbie to bators, I think I would try to turn them myself. Just push them to the other side, just like the turner does. If you were hand turning, you would have to open and turn.
I think unless you get some expert advise, I would go ahead myself. They need to be turned, right?
Does anyone have an answer to this?! I'm getting really nervous! I don't think it's turning, what should I do?

I've heard of the motor stripping from the weight, but I'm afraid I don't have a solution for you. The only think I can think of is to get another turner or slide something under one end of the bator to tilt it, and switch sides three times a day.
There you are....came in looking for you to check on your egg! Anything yet? I would think if it is still rocking and rolling that there is still a chance!!!

Woke up this morning to check on the egg that had been pipped FOREVER....before I finally gave up and went to bed last night it was trying to zip and really having a hard time.....quoted myself once again 'eggs have hatched for millions of years without me' and went to bed. This morning I went to check on it thinking it would be bad news....TWO new chicks met me.....startled me!! Only 6 eggs left in the incubator. I think tonight at 8pm starts day 24 and will leave them in for a couple of days. Really will decide at the end of today.

So, now I have 32 fuzzy butts in the brooder!!! Six eggs in the incubator. One I had to cull and the other two blood ring and one light bulb. Someone needs to figure out my hatch rate for me!!!

Let me know how your lone egg is doing!
What kind of chick is #1 and #3??

We have 2 that look like #1 and 3 that look like #3

They are all muttchicks..

Daddy to all of them is a Gigant Blue Cochin/Buff Oprington rooster..huge golden yellow body and feathered legs with dark green tailfeathers..

Mom to #1 we are thinking a Rhode island Red hen
Mom to #3 is a Buff Orpington hen...we also have an Australorp in the coop, she is our oldest at 4.5 yrs..she might be the momma of #1 and #5 but we have no clue..
idunno.gif is still a party for one in that one pips or anything yet..still waiting..eating my fingers..

Awesome news on your hatches...what a surprise..two babies..
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I've got a lone Salmon Faverolle hatching today, lots of early quitters in that batch. My homemade bator I was going to use as a hatcher is still not completed because the fan I ordered to go in it hasn't arrived. The seller says he sent it 12 days ago but he didn't get a tracking I have no fan. I can't keep him in my LG because it's got precious cargo only 7 days into incubation in it; I dare not raise the humidity for one egg. I'm hatching him/her keywestchick-style...

Ok, we are going into lockdown tomorrow
So, I should put a sponge in? Should I use a standard kitchen sponge for eight eggs? Or what size should I use? Also, IF they go past the hatch date (o please no) and the water is getting low, should we add more water?
Filling all the water wells in the bottom should give you sufficient humidity. If you need more, a sponge. or a maxi pad, or even a dish filled with aquarium rocks and water is good. You can add more water through a tube stuck through one of the vent holes; aquarium tubing works very well. Or a bendy straw.
Does anyone have an answer to this?! I'm getting really nervous! I don't think it's turning, what should I do?

Just thought I would bump you. Hope you get an answer. If it were me, and I have never done this, newbie to bators, I think I would try to turn them myself. Just push them to the other side, just like the turner does. If you were hand turning, you would have to open and turn.
I think unless you get some expert advise, I would go ahead myself. They need to be turned, right?

Warning- I am NO expert at this, at all.

I don't have an LG turner, but I'm pretty sure mine works the same way, it moves the eggs back and forth. However, it's almost impossible for me to see any movement or change in postion in my eggs. I remember having the same concerns with mine the first year, b/c I never saw the eggs move. I am however, pretty sure mine works, because while I don't have awesome hatch rates, I've never had any deformities in my chicks.

So my guess is yours is working fine, you just can't see it. Since no one on this thread really seems to know, you might try making a general post about it. There are alot more knowledgable people out there!

Good luck.
:fl:fl:fl:fl:fl In lockdown!

Out of the whopping 4 eggs that I set, I have two that look they might hatch. Yes, just two. The other two eggs clearly started to develop, and then quit for some reason, I'd say after 10 or so. One of them has a clear ring without a clear blood line, so I don't know what that one is. I kept both of them in bator, even though they won't hatch, since I'm not ready to eggtopsy yet.

Of the two good ones I have, one looks ready to go, and the other strangely looks like its a little behind it in development. It's not quite filling up the egg. I set both on the same day.
So we'll see. If the behind one is going to be a late hatcher, I hope it's not too late, as I've only got a day or so after the due date before Easter break starts.

If they both hatch this will be my highest hatch rate ever- 50%! Lol! I have alot of trouble with my hatch rates, being in a school and all, I can't really control the enviromment of the room the eggs are in. The low hatch rate is ok with me. So long as some hatch, I count it as a success, as my kiddos here at school get to see it, and learn about how chickens come from eggs!

Here's hoping

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