Little Giant Hatch Along

I'm afraid I don't have any experience with splints, perhaps someone on the injuries forum would be able to walk you through it?

I have read you can use cardboard. That foot doesn't look too bad from what I can see. I don't think waiting a day or two to see if it straightens out on it's own will affect the outcome, depending on wnen the baby hatched. But yeah, go to the injuries forum and someone will help you, or just search it, there's a lot of info about it on here.
I just read about someone else doing this, and I did the same thing.
I cracked one of the eggs,
though in my case I dropped the bator lid and oneof the panes bounced out and put a hole and a dent
in the egg. I covered it with strapping tape, which is all we had. I am so @$%#&*%$!!!! MAD at
myself! GOING INTO LOCKDOWN tomorrow, and all this time we have been so careful!
How long between the first set of chirping and a pip? I know it probably varies, just curious. I heard a lot of chirping and now has quieted down if seems no eggtooth is OK? I was just worried it wouldn't be able to get any further..will wait though..should I leave it alone through the night or intervene before I go to bed, should no improvements been made?
Sorry about all the questions..but my hubby is making me a nervous wreck...he is standing by the bator singing " open, open, open
I've never heard of a chick's eggtooth falling off while pipping, I really have no clue on that. It seems like it would be able to zip just by applying pressure, but I think the most important thing is to let it be till you see it at least trying to zip. Most of the time the chick pips, absorbs the rest of the yolk, and then zips.

In the end, you can only go on your experience and instinct. I'd hate to tell you to leave it alone and then have it die..and I'd hate to tell you to go in and have it die. All I can say is to watch for signs of distress.
Just to give an update on my first set. So far everything is perfect!
I have had no issues with temp since I plugged 1 hole last nite. 3 of the 4 thermos register the same!
I'm doing a dry set, but I did add a little bit of water today because humidity was around 16-18. It jumped to about 36 this afternoon and is down to about 25 now. going to try to keep it at 20 or so. I'm so egg-cited! I'm watching this thread like a hawk! ooops!
wrong word! I'm trying to learn everything I can.
1 day down, 20 to go!!

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