Little Giant Hatch Along

Soooo Cute!
Today will be day 1 of lockdown!

No rocking or chirping so far.

I'm still really worried about the musty smell. I posted earlier about it, that for the past few days there's been a musty smell. Have no idea where it's coming from, and the incubator was cleaned with bleach and left outside to dry before I used it. It's not a bad egg smell, more like a dirty sponge smell. I got the incubator from a friend (they never used it) and they got it at an estate sale. I think it may be coming from the water, because I never let it go dry? I'm not sure, but I'm hoping it's not bacteria.

Anyone know what it could be?

Anyways, after reading about your hatches... I'm super excited for ours to start. Going to set up the brooder and stay positive that I'll have some hatch

I'm also interested to have this answered. Also, what day do they usually start chirping, and when does the egg start moving?
This is day 20 and I have seven pips out of the 29 viable eggs... Now to keep my hands out of the bator and let nature work.....Doggone, I want to help chip away the shell and I know I have to keep my fingers out.....ARGGGHHHHH!!! Three of the pipped eggs are my shipped Buckeye eggs. Ten of the eggs in lockdown are shipped eggs. Chris did such a great job wrapping them up to be shipped and the USPS was so good with them it looks like I am going to have a good hatch from them!!!!
I can hardly wait!!!
Sit on my hands.
Keep my hands out of the bator....
Find something else to do.....
Well I haven't posted on here in forever..but my hatch started thursday night and I now have 11 chicks
pretty good out of 16 eggs..especially since 8 of them were maran eggs and verrrry hard to tell anything as far as development when candling. I have 1 BLRW, 5 B/B/S Orps, & 5 Blue Copper Marans
:) I did help one of the chicks a little. It had pipped over 24 hrs with little progress and the membrane was very dry. DH couldn't stand it and begged to help I gave in. I chipped away a little at a time and finally just figured if it was strong enough it'd get out. & it did! I'll post pics later
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kycklingmamma wrote:
well I just got up and chick #6 still has not gotten out..pipped since yesterday afternoon..the membrane is looking dry..crap, is he getting shrinkwrapped??
If the membrane looks dry, yes. I hope he makes it.

I cleared his face, went pretty good, wrapped the rest of the egg and the membrane that was exposed in a dampened by warm water towel..and put him back in the bator..hoping for success...

Glad I am home today...​

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