Little Giant Hatch Along

Oh, how adorable! I want some silkies so bad, but can't find anyone local that has eggs. Good luck with the rest of your hatch
Just hatched 16 yesterday!!! 2 - I had to help, and as of this morning had absorbed all its yolk and thriving, still playing the waiting game for the other! Heres some pics of my babies!!!!



So of the 15 buff orp. eggs that I put into lock down, 7 hatched, 3 more pipped but never hatched. 1 of the 7 had a shell piece stuck to its back and even though I removed it, it still only lived 2 days. I think my humidity was too low, did not have gauge. Also my added computer fan died the day after lock down. So I am getting ready for my next batch of 15 eggs. I went to Walmart to get a Hydrometer. They did not have any in pet area and only a cheap one that gave "comfort zone" In the heater area. But I was check out the high dollar weather station. they had one that was on clearance for $21. I does indoor and outdoor temp/ humid. It has a remote unit for outdoor use. this seams to be working great. I had to remove 1 row from the egg turner so the remote would fit. but it is nice to be able to be sitting down stairs and check that the incubator is working right.
On a side note, had a stray dog get in our fenced back yard and kill 3 of my layers last Friday. It happen 10 min before we where heading out of town. Took care of stray and put chicken bodys in ziplock bag in frezzer. Took them out and processed them today. Not the best way to do it but I was not letting them go to waste.
I'm into hatching 24 hours, 5 chicks one peeping and not coming out and 16 still looking like a normal egg. I sure hope some more hatch.... good luck everyone!
Well, it's day 8 and I'm planning on candling tonight. Also got a replacement turner so I can switch that in there as I candle. Hope the improvised turner action hasn't hurt anything too much! I figure later in incubation is probably more important from a turning perspective, anyway, though, and we have been diligent about shifting the incubator three times a day. (About 4" rise one way, then 4" the other way.)

This will be my first time candling. I have darkish brown Marans (not very dark, really, but darker than an average brown egg,) and some white leghorn eggs and some pale blue ameraucana eggs. It should be interesting!

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