Little Giant Hatch Along

Hi folks..back last hatch a week ago went very well out of seven eggs 6 was past on in an earlier state I believe..but we still have one egg in the bator..although I took it out after the other ones hatched and sanitized the bator well..left the one egg wrapped up in a towel in the brooder...6 little chicks kept it warm while the bator was drying..hehe..

This one egg was put in the bator since the hen that laid it got killed a raccoon..thus the lone egg..(he had friends in there but they all turned out to be duds)..
I have done a less humid (about 40%) 20 days so far, trying something new..but we are going to lock down tomorrow and I wanted to know should I still raise the humidity to 65-70% ?

Thanks for your input..oh and one more 6 chicks that hatched all seem more vigouros in the growing department than any other chicks I bought in the past..they already have most of their wing feathers in as well as some tailfeathers..wonder why that is? Are they all rossters? Gosh I hope not...
Oh, bummer, the new style egg turner does not fit into the old style LG!

I candled last night and seemed the embryos were definitely favoring one side over the other, so the shifting backa and forth method of manual turning has been abandoned in favor of turning each individual egg (all 42 of them) three times a day.

I'm concerned about the variability of the temperature caused by opening the incubator up 3x a day! The thermometer dropped to 95 before I could turn them all, seems like that happening multiple times a day would be a bad thing.
I think the temp was low probably because you had opened the bator. I would get a hygrometer if you can... from what I have read you don't want high humidity for the first 18 days but once you get to lockdown you will want to add sponges and towels and such.
Thanks BunsNChicks. I thought I wanted humidity at 85% these first 3 weeks. Is that not right?

BTW, I did buy a thermometer/hygrometer. I couldn't stand it any longer. I just checked it and it read 101.7 and humidity was 66.5. I turned down the temp a tiny bit. I'll check it again in a few hours.
Make sure you calibrate the hygrometer, this is what I got for my 'bator
and I put the probe in the water wiggler so I know what the temp is inside the eggs, should be 99.5 in a still air. Check out on humidity Incubation.htm and ...if I am not suppose to post links someone please let me know and I will remove.

You don't want high humidity in the first 18 days
Hello hatching friends!
I'm on day 7. Everything is going well after a couple of days of unstable temps. A little adjustment and another plug and I've been good to go! Humidity holding between 25-35. I'm going to attempt to candle on sunday eve.
Praying everyone is growing and on tract. It's been fun to see all of the pics of your hatches.
Will be updating after I candle. I will definately be posting when it comes to lockdown!
I'm a little nervous about that! I'm journaling my experiences everyday, so if I set any other eggs I will have my journal to refer to. Will day 21 ever get here??!!!
Emmalion..I've got to say this..

you helpers name..Gustopher..its brilliant..I have a Gus ( and a Moses, and a Pippin and a Luna), but not a Gustopher..

Isis has made no progress and is still in the same position. C'mon little girl you can do it!

Come on little girl, you CAN do it..

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