Little Giant Incubator...Digital Thermostat


9 Years
May 17, 2010
Does anyone know if it is possible to install a digital thermostat on a little giant incubator (7200). I can get the temp to 99.5F but it is a constant vigil. If so, where could I get one? Thanks for your time.
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I don't see why not. Any old box can be converted to an incubator, so I don't see why an incubator couldn't be converted to digital. Not sure where you get the digital thermostats, but I'm sure someone will. I know they're out there.

It might not be worth it, though, is what I'm thinking. I think the main problem with the LG is that it's not well insulated. I find that if I put a thick, folded towel over one of the windows, it holds its temp very well. Even a digital thermostat won't be able to keep the temp steady if the box is constantly losing heat--it would be like trying to maintain a steady temperature in a wide open prairie (okay, maybe not that bad, but you get the idea).

My suggestion is to try placing a warm folded towel over one half of the LG (leaving the vents uncovered, of course), and see if that solves your problem. It'll be a lot cheaper and less trouble than installing a thermostat.
I think you meant to say a 9200 LG. I would be interested to know if you get something to work. I think the biggest challenge would be finding a digital thermostat that will work at the proper temps. If you find such a thermostat you should have no problem rigging it up. I have a 9200 that got put to the side and a Genesis 1588 put in its place as the main incubator. I cannot believe how nice it is not having to worry about temperature fluctuations. I check it often thinking I will find a spike but it sticks at 100 degrees all the time, day or night. I've been throwing ideas around in my head how the 9200 could be made more reliable but haven't come up with anything yet. It is too much of a liability to use anymore the way it is because I've lost far to many hatches with it.
I have heard the best way to hatch from any LG incubator is to throw it in the trash and buy something that resembles a real incubator. I almost never see a post where folks have any problems with other bators, but when it comes to the LG the BYC needs to have a sticky and a seperate forum just dedicated to the problems of the LG. Hope things work out for you though.

Novaman you are correct it is a 9200. Thank you all for the info. I've had pretty good success with my LG, I just thought it would be nicer to have a digital thermo on it. I think I will have to upgrade to the Genesis 1588 this summer, that does look much better than the LG. However the wife gets mad at me everytime she sees eggs in it, so if I get a new bator I might have to sleep outside with the chickens (at least their house is big enough for me too...he he). Thanks again. If I find something that works I'll be sure to post it.
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There are actually quite a few folks who like the LG just fine. I don't love it, but it is functioning fine as a hatcher now that I've figured out how to fix its idiosyncracies. The towel over the window is a great fix. Yeah, it's a bit of a pain, but for the price it does a fair job actually hatching babies.

I understand why folks toss it out and get something else, but when you are having to be super price conscious and if you have the energy and patience to get it to work, the LG can be a perfectly acceptable incubator.

I do like my Hovabator WAY better, though!
Right now mine is running smooth as glass.
I have a digital Hygrometer in there & also my husband has a small remote thermometer/humidity thingy that has a sensor that you place outside & then it tells you the temp/humidity on a little reader inside the house. I put the sensor in the bator & can check my temp/humidity right from the bedside without even going near the bator. I''ve had 5 days straight of 99.4/58%. I don't know how long it will last, but I'm not gonna gripe about the LG right now in case the incubator gods
get angry & shut the whole thing down.
I love my LG. Maybe I just got lucky but I have not had a problem maintaining temps. Once I get it dialed in and set the eggs I don't have to mess with it again. I have had nothing but 90% hatch rates with it and my first hatch was with shipped eggs and 11 out of 13 hatched. Since I have never had a problem with my LG, I really don't have anything but good things to say about it!
Well, I had the same question you did for my HOVA Bator. I called the manufacturer this morning. And from what I understand, you can purchase a digital thermostat

but they are "not all that accurate" compared to the nut (that is what I was told by the customer rep). But, she did say to expect 2 degree flux. I had mine at

99.5ish last night and it was 94 this morning. She said it would be safe if the temp change is brief and stays over 94 and under 103. That makes me feel better

so I dont feel like I have to baby-sit my eggs so much. BUT, I am still not sure how the temp got so low.

This is my first time with incubation.... so I was freaking out this morning when my turkey eggs were at a low setting.

I would call the manufacturer and see if you can purchase a digital. If my temp keeps doing this though, I am going to play with a water heater thermostat and jerry


Best Wishes~!
The sweater plus down vest draped over the incubator totally solved my temp swing problem . Thank you!!!!!!

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