little giant incubator?

28 days and one of the eggs is pipping. Must have done something right. We're very excited.
Is there anything special that we need to do once they hatch or should we treat same as chicks.
Congrats! I think some people suggest feeding a higher protein feed to start, mine get 27% turkey starter. Take lots of pictures!

How are the eggs doing? I have four peafowl eggs n a little giant incubator on day 25. One has started rocking. I am wondering if the incubator is tal enough for them or will theybe too close to the heating element when they stand?
28 days and one of the eggs is pipping. Must have done something right. We're very excited.
Is there anything special that we need to do once they hatch or should we treat same as chicks.
You can feed them regular medicated chick starter and they will grow perfectly fine as they get older mix in some cracked corn. Been feeding that to my peachicks and never had an issue and I raised a lot of them
Just be careful of the fan if you have one. the heat element I could deal with but the fan can scalp them.
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I'm totally crushed. The wee one didn't make it out of the egg. broke the shell but didn't come out of the membrane.
I didn't interfere and now I wonder if I should have.
The other egg did't do anything but I still have 2 that should hatch next week. We'll keep our fingers crossed.
I still have chick starter left over so i guess I'm good should they hatch.
it is sad but it happens, I had 5 make it to hatch and pipped down below the aircell and on the bottom so I could not see them and lost them all, but I got 6 that made it out ok .
Is there any way to help them along when they do this?

Sounds as though you've hatched a few, The birds on your Avatar are beautiful.
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I have a Little Giant incubator with peafowl eggs in it. There on their side I've read on other websites that humidity should be between 50% to 60% until last few days then needs to go up. Mine have been there with temps between 99 to 100 for 11 days I see dark spots in them when I candle them but can't tell if there's veins.
I have a Little Giant incubator with peafowl eggs in it. There on their side I've read on other websites that humidity should be between 50% to 60% until last few days then needs to go up. Mine have been there with temps between 99 to 100 for 11 days I see dark spots in them when I candle them but can't tell if there's veins.
You should be able to see the heart with veins around it at 11 days. It is cool to watch it beating while your holding the egg. You do not need to up your humidity, you could drown the chick. If your humidity is 50-60 percent then it is good. Just do not keep lifting the lid and you'll be fine. I lift my lid only to add water to the juice glasses which is once a day
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