Little Giant Still Incubator Thread!!!

I dry incubated my button quail and had a hatch rate of 66% with 75 shipped eggs. Consider dry incubation. I did nothing different with my quail than I did with the chicken eggs except of course the incubation time.
I bought an LG with a fan for my first incubator with an egg turner as I wasn't sure if I was going to incubate more than once. (I know there are a lot of LG haters on BYC) but I have had many successful hatches. The price was right since I wasn't sure what I was getting into and I was pretty sure I could sell it and recoup most of my expense.I also turn it on the day before I set my eggs to let the incubator stabilize. I found when adjusting the temperature you have to be very careful and barely turn the temp control just a slight whisker then walk away for awhile and let it stabilize. I think most people adjust and adjust some more, but you have to walk away. The thermostat is super sensitive.The temp will fluctuate while the eggs are adjusting to the incubator temperature. Resist temptation to adjust the temp. After a few hours if you need to adjust it then do it but BARELY increase or decrease. The slightest movement of the thermostat can make a BIG difference in the temp. You can also adjust your temp and humidity to some extent by removing one or both of the plugs. I would fill the reservoirs in the bottom of the incubator too when you turn it on to let it stabilize. It takes hours for the eggs internal temp to come up. Now I use a cabinet incubator to incubate in but I still use my LG as a hatcher. I used to incubate at around 50% humidity but have found if I keep my humidity down to around 35% (dry hatch) during incubation (day 1 through 18) and keep it around 75% during lockdown (the last 3 days) I get much better hatches, 95% to 100%. Just my opinion.

Since the thermostat control is so sensitive I took a BYC members idea of putting a milk bottle cap on it and it works great.
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Could I hatch chicken eggs and quail eggs together? Maybe start the chickens first then add the quail 3 days later so they would hatch around the same time?
If I was rich I would have put some sort of computer device in it to give it the highest degree of self awareness, then I would have shot it to make it suffer then burned it in the fire to kill it.

i quit using my LG for incubation. it was un Predictable. i had failed hatch after hatch no matter what i did. i followd instructions and did what u were suppose to do. i switched bators and never have issues, now i use the LG as a hatcher
I think most all of us that hatch A lot of eggs, but don't have the sportsman hatcher all still use either a Little Giant, Homemade incubator, or a hovabator as a hatcher.

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