Little hamster los......woah....FOUND!!!!

Not meaning to hijack your thread but I've gotta tell you my hamster story.

We had Brownie the hamster when we were little. Ok, 2 of us were little the other 3 were in middle school. One day my ma when to clean out the cage and the was no Brownie. Knowing that us kids liked to take him out to play sometimes she asked all of us who had him. Nobody did. But when she got to my younger sister things got really crazy.

"Laurie, where did put the hamster?"

"I eat him right down my froat (throat)"

"Laurie, tell me where you put the hamster"

"I took him up to the cemetary and buried him under a leaf"

At this point, ma figured that the hamster was gone for good.

About a week later, Pop was sitting in his favorite LEATHER recliner and heard this scrish, scrish, scrish sound. He looked around and realize that the sound was coming from inside his chair. Brownie had somehow managed to get into Pop's chair and that is where he had been for the week. Popl had to cut the side out of the LEATHER chair to get a 50 cent hamster out of it!!.

Needless to say, Laurie was no longer allowed to take Brownie out of his cage
If your scorpion escapes I will be worried.

I'm going outside now to build a 3 inch fence around the house.

My Bro had hamsters when we were kids, they were cute little escape artists.

Imp- My cats are now saying "Please get us some hamsters" Yeah Right!

The kids always joke that the cats call the hamster cages "a box of snacks". We actually have 4 hamsters...add that to the cats and snakes and scorpion....we got the whole food chain thing going on here.

I am thinking a moat around the house would be better protection from the scorpion....though they aren't good climbers either.
You always post the most interesting stories. I'm like
watching for your name. And yes I know about the whole food chain thing.

Imp-I used to have a singing canary.
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LOL....oh, Imp, I just have a strange life. Poor Canary....and how could I forget we have parakeets.......hanging from the ceiling.
So far I haven't caught a cat swinging from the cage.

Ah yes, the one with the peanuts wins!!! LOL

Actually, gaited horse, fish are a LOT of fun for cats as long as they can't get to them.
When we had a fish tank the cats love to just sit and watch them.
We like you cause we can all relate to the strangeness. I decided after the loss of the canary to focus on the cats, but then I got offered 3 chickens (end of the story) Now 9 chickens later I'll never end my addiction to chickens. They are so fun. I think its the 7th sense in animal lovers. Best wishes to you & yours.

Imp- I'm typing very carefully- gosh backspace & delete are so hard.

Imp-rely on the cats to reduce on the rat population, but they'll go after all of the above.
Thankfully there are no chicks brooding in the house right now. That is always lots of fun! My cats have no clue there are 32 chickens outside and I plan to keep it that way!

Yup......real life is DEFINITELY stranger than fiction!!!

And I keep debating whether I should go back and change the original post to say "she and her sister" as opposed to "her and her sister" but I think everyone has already read it and decided I am a bit slow so I haven't. LOL

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