Little one still sick- any help???


In the Brooder
Jul 27, 2016

This chick is 8 weeks old- was hatched the day my dad passed away so I
This chick!!! I need help getting her all better! Very lethargic, not wide eyed like siblings, sits facing the corner, eats and drinks very little- has been getting Corid in her water since last Thursday....any help/advice???
I'm sorry...I don't know what advice I can give you. I have a sick 4 month old that I absolutely love.
Your chick is adorable. I hope someone can offer you some help.
Sorry about your dad.
My little one is still so small and does not seem to grow- still alive and seems ok- a little tippy sometimes.
Wow! I'm glad to hear yours is still alive. Have you looked into vitamin deficiencies? Mine is doing so much vitamin B, vitamin E with food. And Poultry Cell.
I'm so sorry about your dad. I had a chicken get very ill the day my dad passed and was determined to save her because I couldn't save my I completely understand how you feel. The only thing I can think to suggest is to see if you can find a vet to run a fecal sample. Some vets (even tho they don't treat chickens) will do this for you. Does her poop look normal? Does she fill her crop like her hatch mates? Providing additional protein with boiled chicken, fish , yogurt may be helpful as well as vitamins in her water. Fingers crossed for you.
My Lavender passed away sometime Sunday night/ Monday morning. I was out of town for a interview. I took my chickens to my grandpa's. I feel so bad....if I didn't move her and leave I believe she wouldn't have died. Her flock mates are so was just the 4 of them and they were so close.
I really hope your baby makes it.

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