Little roo scratching his eye


May 2, 2020
My little roo seems determined to scratch his eye out. I bought 6 chicks, one had a bad eye. Then another got q bad eye and has it terrible in both eyes (she still sees out one and eats and drinks well although she seems cold and less active). And now my little roo has it and seems determined to scratch his eye out. When I bought them I was given eye anti-biotics but it hasn’t prevented the spread - I am still using it.

What can I do to stop the scratching? What is this?

I am so anxious about my chicks I feel like the worst chicken Mom in the world.


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How old are the chicks? Did you get them from a breeder or from a feed store? They may have conjunctivitis, which is evidenced by the red eye, the sunken appearance, and drainage. That could be MG. I would also look at getting them checked for worms at your vet to look for eye worms. I would try to get Tylosin or Tylosin-Doxycycline powder for the water online for pigeons to give the sick ones a treatment for possible MG.
7 weeks now - I’ve had them a week. Yes my hubby got them for me from a breeder. Thank you for your advice - pigeon meds are about the only meds available for chickens around here.
Thank you. Maybe the MG is it. I have a little hen who never grew up. She’s about 4 months old now and she hasn’t grown cm since she was 6 weeks old. She did get fatter though. She seems like a very happy girl but her comb and wattles are pale. I hope she never develops an egg because I don’t know how her tiny body could possibly lay. I guess that’s September’s problems :(
Just be aware that mycoplasma or MG is a chronic respiratory disease, and it is with them their whole lives. It can affect growth, egg laying, and cause damage in lungs and air sacs. Each survivor is a carrier for life, so any chicks who have been around or contaminated accidentally will also be carriers.

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