Little white bean looking thing in egg


Jul 8, 2021
This was in one of my eggs does anybody know what it is??
Cut into it. If it has the consistency of cheese, it's pus from a reproductive infection called salpingitis. A hen with this infection will normally show no signs of illness until the infection becomes more developed. There may be time to cure it if she's given an oral antibiotic if you know which hen this came from.
Cut into it. If it has the consistency of cheese, it's pus from a reproductive infection called salpingitis. A hen with this infection will normally show no signs of illness until the infection becomes more developed. There may be time to cure it if she's given an oral antibiotic if you know which hen this came from.
Ive already thrown it away but i will keep an eye out for more and cut into it next time. thank you so much!!

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