My littles are just over 10 weeks old. I now have their brooder inside the coop. At first brooder was in the garage then I moved it to the coop/shed. (We built a wall inside the coop so part of it is a coop and part is a shed. The wall has chicken wire for more air flow) after a couple weeks I moved the brooder to the actual coop side. During the day the littles are in a wire dog kennel inside the chicken run. I have been slowly letting them interact with the bigs (3 years old). At night the littles have been determined to sleep roosted in the edge of the brooder (big water tank we put wheels on) but they seem wobbly so I move them to the roosting bar just before full dark. My bigs aren’t very accepting of the littles yet. Am I rushing it or doing it ok? This is first time adding to flock. They act like 2 separate flocks. Foe the most part they stay away from each other when I have them all out together, at times a big May do an quick pack at a little but they also do it to each other (mainly around food)