Live Trap Log...


10 Years
Jul 14, 2009
The Beautiful Pacific NW ,WA
Here recently, something killed my frizzle roo & just recently killed my beautiful Silver Muscovy hen.. I decided to set a Live Trap to catch whatever it might have been. Here's what i have caught, bait i used and what i did with it so far...

Victim #1: Feral Cat.
Bait: Apple Pie (lol)
Decision: I let him go and i probably shouldnt have.

Victim #2: Raccoon!!
Bait: Apple Pie
Decision: We did decide to kill him. (and he was nicer than the cat!)
Victim #3: Stupid Squirrell
Bait: Peach Pie!
Decision: I let the dummy go
Night of 7/21/2010
Bait: Cookie
Victim: None.
Night of 7/22/2010
Bait: Marshmallows
Victim: NONE... I was pretty disappointed this morning to find the trap empty.
Night of 7/23/2010
Bait: I will use Canned cat Food
Victim: Hopefully that CAT!!!
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I would be pretty surprised to find a squirrel in the trap, lol. I set out my trap last night, I'm trying to catch feral cats to get them fixed so I baited it with canned wet food. I caught a cat alright, but it was my neighbor's barn cat that's already fixed.
It was just small slices! It wasn't homemade, just some that someone had bought and was all i could find before i went to set the trap. the cat supriosed me too! I had an old feed bag over the trap and i saw it's striped tail and was so excited that i got a coon...then i moved the bag and got the big tom cat that's been around here for years.

He doesnt belong to anyone. the farm hands that used to live up the road and work the fields there had a TON of cats they left behind and never took care of. we tried to catch them before but only got 1 out of the 15 that ran to the food we dumped on the porch.
Well nobody liked the cookie. I will have to go buy some marshmallows today or something salty to bait it with. I am now thinking i should have "taken care" of the squirrell... there was about 4 of them out there when i walked out to check the trap. a friend suggested using rat blocks(poison) for them but does anyoen else knwo of other ways? they're wise on the trap...
most feed store around here sell salt blocks you do not need the hole brick you catch bunnies when using salt squirrels are rather fond of almost any kind of nuts salty peanuts, pecans ,walnuts etc they also steal a few of my peaches and pears this time of the year.
Have you tried snap traps for rats? I've been on a rodent rampage this year and I am pretty successful using the snap traps. I've caught as many in the snap traps as my husband has shot with the .22. Blasted rodents! My particular bane this year has been chipmunks, but I am open to destroying them all.

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