liver tumor???

Let me say I have not done many necropsies or butchering, but that looks like an adenoma, a smooth round growth, that looks similar to to tissue in which you found it. However there look to be spots on it which probably are fibrosis or scar tisue inside the adenoma, which can be common with them. Hopefully others with more experience will chime in, or any vets out there lurking.
Do you know what would cause something like this?
I am quite concerned as now three of the hens he's was with are now showing the same comb color changes. They are still acting normally as of today, but I am unsure of what I am dealing with here. Also, if it is blackhead are their eggs affected?
What does their poop look like?
Is is yellow?
What does their poop look like?
Is is yellow?
the poops looked normal today. I will post again tomorrow after. I check their poops again. My roo had the comb color changes first, then I noticed the yellow diarrhea, so I am nervous this is the same disease process.
If you want...tell me your city and I'll call around for you.
You are so sweet! Thank you, but I will have time a bit later this afternoon to call around.
PS I just figured out what that ball thing was under my roos liver, it's the spleen! and it was a very sick looking spleen, so now I have some more info to try and figure out what made him so sick! Yay!
I am not familiar with organs, so I am using your experience as a learning one. I tagged a few people who have much more knowledge, that may be able to offer you some advice.

@casportpony @BantyChooks @Wickedchicken6
What do y'all think?
Last edited: that round ball looking thing at the top the tumor?

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