Lives lost per unit of meat eaten

This is nothing new for me at least, but I've been a vegetarian for 25 years and know better than to think that just because I avoided meat didn't mean I was avoiding all animals dying. I've always known the egg industry is worse than the chicken/meat industry. Another good reason to raise your own chickens for eggs (or chickens for meat), and if possible other livestock for other sources.
You will be in minority I suspect concerning knowledge of how many lives lost. Betting calculations of virtually all animals produced did not consider lives lost to make fish and crustacean meals used to make the dried feeds we use, especially with feeding chicks and juveniles.
That's one reason why a lot of us vegetarians have our own chickens!
I also avoid dairy for the same reason, although I admit to a slip here and there on the dairy front.
Most of the vegetarians I know are aware of this. They are either ok with it, raise their own, or are vegan instead of vegetarian.
What do you feed your chicks?

I am hoping to eventually use a more plant based feed for some of my dominiques but selection for tolerance of such a diet will have to be done along the way. Otherwise production season will have to be greatly shortened and lot more ground tied up for supporting natural insect forage. Would also have much bigger predator management concerns.
I use to get bounty money from the state for taking out beavers that were daming up ditches along farmers fields. I wonder how many beaver have to die for a tofu buger?
Myself I eat meat at every meal...........but don't forget things like wool, with wool production most male lambs are killed as lambs. even getting your own chicken , chick production ,most males are killed.

So chicks, eggs, milk, cheese, wool, if you buy any of these , yep your support killing of animal in around about way.
I love animals.

They're delicious.

Seriously though, I grew up rasing cows. We loved our cows, took good care of them, but in the end, they're still cows. Cows are meant to be eaten.
Now we are getting into realm of reality. Everything we do results in some non-target critter being converted into or pushed aside by our food production systems, house, car, or our own butts.
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