Livestock Guard Dogs -- UPDATE: puppy home! (pics)

My Pyr is both pet and working dog. He comes inside at night after the chickens are locked up tight. At which point he turns into a giant furry footwarmer.

But yeah, if shedding and barking is a problem, definitely not for you. What about an Anatolian or Akbash? They have shorter fur at least, and aren't quite as notorious about the barking thing. I don't think there exist any LGDs that are not barkers to some extent, barking to deter intruders is pretty much what they do. It's just that some will bark for the sake of reminding the neighborhood they live here (Pyrenees) while others will only bark when they feel threatened.
My uncle used a goose as a "guard dog". When we went to his place, we couldn't get out of the car until he put the goose in the pen

I have also heard llamas make excellent guard critters.

If you have a lot of land, what about an Australian Shep? Talk about loyal and protective! LOL

For a small lot...a sheltie?
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Alot of dogs are prone to sun burn when shaved. We put light shirts on them at times or a special brand of lotion. My mini schnauzer only got burned when we forgot before letting her out
I rescue/rehab so some come in COVERED in fleas and matts. I always clip, but with a long blade and when I 1st do it I SUnscreen every other day for a week or 2. They LOVE it and feel so much better!

I've only been exposed to Akbash's and Pyrenees. They are different in the sense they aren't really pets as they spend their time with the livestock. The Akbash's, particularly, aren't interested in the people around the farm we visit. They're all work and their eyes are always on the horizon.

The issue with LGD's is in my region, they need to be in with teh animals all night due to coyotes and great horned owl's. So, I don't think they're doing their job if they come in at night.
a family friend has a great Pyranese (sp)
she guards the flock, goats, goats and the rest of the property.
Real nice dog all the way around
I have a Pyr/Anatolian mix. He is thoughtful, loving, and loyal.

But also barky, can't walk on a leash if his life depended on it, and stubborn to a fault. He is strictly an outside dog - when he comes inside he gets very restless and stands at the door. If he gets out of the gate he's GONE! LOL ... that hasn't happened in a while though, we had to get a 6 foot chain link gate becasue he was jumping the 4 footer. Funny though, he won't jump the fence.

Luckily he has a lot of room to run and we gave up on the barking last year, so he's quite happy to bark his head off up on his hill over-looking his kingdom.

I've heard that pyrs make very good family pets, but my guy really really really has HIS OWN agenda.

I love him though.
I have a GP puppy. So far he has been the best dog we have had(I also have two white GSD's and just lost our old dalmation). He was raised with livestock so he is fantastic around ours. We socialize him with other people and animals and train him on a daily basis. He is not a nippy puppy as many puppies are, he seems to be a big furry goofball until he see's something that might be a threat - then he sounds like a big dog. He is cautious around new people but after he knows I allow them here he warms right up and is a big playful ball of fluff. He has been great with kids, they love him, he is spunky but in a gentle, goofy kind of way. His parents were good natured and warmed right up to us when we visited. Temperament, as with any breed was important. He loves to be with the animals but we have him inside sometimes and he just plops down on the floor and goes to sleep, looks like a white bear rug. He is a little hard headed, as most smart breeds are... but compared to our Dal, no problem. I'd go with a nicely bred GP, they are both Guardians and part of the family.

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