Livid beyond words *rant alert*

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Do they free range at all times? If so, some perches made high enough off the ground would be a quick escape for the birds and fairly cheap. If your birds can get that high. 5-6 feet would be ideal. 3 8 ft. Treated 2x4s would make a good escape perch and would only cost about $10. A few of those scattered through yard might help until you get a fence in place.
I'm sorry, I guess I'm mainly just complaining because I know there is nothing I can do. At least nothing that wwont cause my children and I to become homeless. I'm just frustrated and angry
Present them with a bill for the animals you lost, including the kittens. Tell them they can deduct it off your rent. You are losing money because of the dogs and the dogs are scaring your children and causing emotional distress to you and the children because they are killing your pets. If he is too dense to understand that, then do what the other person suggested and sue him. Especially if this continues after you take steps to protect your livestock with a fence and they still get to them. I'd say, you did all you could and the guy owes you money.
Thank you everyone for the support. I suppose I could sue but likely wouldn't get anything out of it and again would end up with no where to live. Ill keep building as fast as I can and hope I can keep enough alive to replenish my flock.
I'm not sure I understand why you can't protect the birds at least, (I understand it's hard to keep an outdoor cat inside.)? Do the chickens have a secure coop that you can keep them in? If so, could you build a very small run they can use during the day? Is it cool enough to leave them cooped with windows open? It's awful that they're running around while everyone knows they're going to be attacked. Maybe you can find a temporary alternate housing situation for them so they can live.
I have a coop and several shelters only one of which can be locked. It is too small to lock all the animals in which include chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, cats and dogs. It is way too hot to keep them locked in during the heat of the day. Please understand that this setup has worked for us for more than two years and it is only recently that these dogs have begun marauding. Having them running freerange is not aweful, someone that refuses to corral their killer critters is aweful. I'm building as fast as I can I assure you.

I'm not sure I understand why you can't protect the birds at least, (I understand it's hard to keep an outdoor cat inside.)?  Do the chickens have a secure coop that you can keep them in?  If so, could you build a very small run they can use during the day?  Is it cool enough to leave them cooped with windows open?  It's awful that they're running around while everyone knows they're going to be attacked.  Maybe you can find a temporary alternate housing situation for them so they can live.
Get a paintball gun, empty paintball out with large needle, use large needle fill paintball with tabasco sauce. Pop him in the head once. It is almost the same as pepperballs. Or you can just freeze the paintballs they feel just like hard rocks when they hit. Just an idea, or shotgunshell filled with rock salt.

If that don't work a .22 magnum works wonders, hey vultures are birds and they gotta eat too.
Regardless of whether or not there is animal control, there ARE landlord/tenent laws which require a landlord to make his rental safe and reasonably habitable...and while he would not be able to control wild animals wandering onto and off of the property, he darn well CAN control his OWN animals to ensure they are not a danger to you and your child. Now if he wants, he can just say you cannot have animals, as would be his perrogative, but he cannot for example seal windows shut as it would create a fire escape danger, and NEITHER can he basically set loose what DOES fit the legal definition of a "vicious dog" where it can easily harm you, your child, or god forbid a child visiting you...whose parents THEN sue YOU for allowing harm to come to THEIR child. No, it's not gonna be pretty, but you know, that place you live is NOT the only place where you can live. Perhaps it's the only place you can find IN your area, AT your price, but the world is a whole lot bigger than your area, and you have a LOT more options than your landlord wants you to think. You are NOT powerless here, but you WILL have to take initiative that will probably cause you to need to move. However, as a parent, your first priority has to be your child's welfare (your animals' welfare completely aside), and NOT your relationship with your landlord. If your job isn't paying you enough to find a better place in your area, then it can't be that great of a job. Guess what, there are no shortage of those sort of jobs ALL across the country. Your landlord is guilty of breaking several laws, and if you DON'T do anything about it, then YOU could actually find YOURSELF accused of child endangerment. You're NOT helpless here. Your child and animals are depending on you. <3 It's a headache I DON'T envy you, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Good luck, and don't give up.
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