Living off Social Security

You are quite right Deb - I do a little art, but nothing like your jewelry thread I looked at. Nice work! Photography is my hobby, and I've thought about pursuing that. You are so right about the money pit things. I still have my horse even though I don't ride much anymore. He's the money pit, although I do trim his feet myself, I even use to shoe. I sell some eggs, but not enough to pay for the chicken feed. Supplement the 2 cats and dog with eggs as well. Thanks for your comments, makes me want to brainstorm more!
some money pit things observed to outisders are really something that serves your soul... I would have skipped meals if it ment a bale of hay for my girl... I got an offer I couldnt refuse from a place that was Katees dream... Katee is my horse... so I moved her on ... its still tearing me up so that I havent made the final step of signing her over to them.

Food is one area.... I am a Foodie... Love Sushi and will try other cuizines at the drop of a hat... I love good wine and Beer....

When I lived up there I stopped all that, it was amazing how much I saved. Oh i treated my self occasionally ....

I envy your veggie growing and home canning.... sigh. I have resolved to do aquaponics to grow the things I love but cannot get here in San Diego County... Like fresh Black eyed peas, Decent tomatoes....

But look up some of the sites about "Prepping"... especially on a budget. Learn to read the date codes on the canned goods you do use. There are instructions on that on the internet as well. Canned goods if Kept correctly can and will last at least a year past their expiration date.

Stock up when you do get into town... Sales and staples....

Find out where the Food bank is. Local Churches know or the Senior center in town. Sighn up for that. Once a month you can get a disbursment of Groceries Not the best but Here there could be Rice and beans and cereal Occasionally a pound of frozen hamburger.... Or Cheese.... Powdered milk... If you have a medical issue the paper work you fill out will give you an extra bag....

Here in California There is a program called Share. for X amount of community service you qualify for x amount of shares. When the share program opens its doors You can get bags of food... bread Rolls Fresh veggies.... canned goods.

I been on them all... Life as a Contract employee has taught me survival skills.

One of the most inexpensive way of eating is learning to cook Mexican food....

Almost all traditional foods are born of necessity and are the “best” food. It is truly incredible that the best foods in the world are “traditional”, i.e. the most basic - the poncy crap I personally have no interest in :)
Almost all traditional foods are born of necessity and are the “best” food. It is truly incredible that the best foods in the world are “traditional”, i.e. the most basic - the poncy crap I personally have no interest in :)
I totally agree... and the amount of meat we use here in first world countries is obscene... Of course Pork Pies are exempt.... :lau

soul food....

I grew up with a southern food back ground.... Fried Cow stomach, Mustard greens, Black-eyed peas, Pinto beans, Okra, We never had Chitlins but I have had a Mexican version :drool

Most of the "Best foods" use meat as a seasoning and or a topping....

I’m glad you see reason and indeed, pork pies should be exempt :highfive:

I totally agree - meat is never the focus of our food. I will often go for a number of days without meat and not even think about it :confused:

Apart from chicken thighs once a week, I rarely eat meat and neither does dw :hmm :D
Yup, self-care is a thing. I take advil when needed, but Tylenol/Acetamenophin has really terrible health related problems, can't believe they still sell it cross the counter. I pace and do what I can. I use to train & gallop race horses for years. So many wrecks that I bounced back from at the time have now come back to remind me of those fun times. I'm very secluded where I am, but there are a few good people around, always willing to help so I try to stay social. Back to the subject at hand: actually making more in a month, including the ss check, than you spend on the critters and upkeep. I'd love to see more creative ideas. I have the eggs & chickens are routinely put in the freezer for food. Gardening is hard & water is at a premium. Well doesn't recover if I water heavily and I have a 2000 gal. holding tank. Without a wet winter or heavy summer rains, I don't think a garden is even possible here. I do have feathers from 2 skinned chickens w/feathers on just to "see if I could", but I don't know if anyone would want to buy them or where to market them. They actually preserved quite well, I think for a first time experience. I have an ebay store and am continually adding a lifetime of collections and inherited things and findings - an ongoing yard sale online. Deb, I have Hughesnet, it's fine as long as you don't spend hours streaming movies or music. Let's keep this thread going with ideas that make our retirement fun & just a little bit profitable!
Don't totally give up on the idea of gardening. There are things you can do to conserve water and still produce some food crops. I suggest researching it some more. I'm also on Hughes net. Although Comcast is now available here, I really don't like them. Hughes net is a bit more affordable and not trying to coerce you into upgrading your service all he time.
I think it differs a little bit "up Norht" here where I grew up (northern Wisconsin). Meat and potatoes are our basic foods. We have short growing seasons, so we grow what we can and can what we grow. But meat is very easy to come by - rabbit, grouse, pheasant, wild turkey, deer, duck, goose, fresh water fish. We don't have a lot other fancy stuff to do, so we hunt and fish, lol!!
I’m glad you see reason and indeed, pork pies should be exempt :highfive:

I totally agree - meat is never the focus of our food. I will often go for a number of days without meat and not even think about it :confused:

Apart from chicken thighs once a week, I rarely eat meat and neither does dw :hmm :D

I still eat meat, however I cut back on portion size and eat red meat only once or twice a week. I eat a lot of vegetables. Since cutting back on animal protein and eating more vegetarian meals my bad cholesterol took a significant nose dive. And my trips to the "grocery" store are more for potty paper and kleenex. I'm fortunate to be able to grow a lot of my own vegetables, and I make my own bread and pasta. The great thing about that is there are no preservatives in my food.
My husband has said this is our retirement place - so when I complain about him "over building" something, he reminds me that he is setting up for me. So, when I am old and feeble, I will be able to still do those things that I want to do.
For instance, we up-sized from a "garden tractor" to a "small" tractor. The garden tractor was a John Deere and had a hard time pulling the single plow and cultivator through my garden. We bought a 5' rota-tiller for the small tractor. With the bucket and the backhoe I will be able to get alot of projects done. The seat turns around when you use the backhoe.

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