Local fox getting to friendly (with us) what shall I do????


9 Years
Aug 4, 2011
Recently while I was putting my chickies to bed a fox came up behind me and nipped my jumper! I am only 13 so what is a cheap way to deter the mean creatures??
Gosh, I think you should call animal control because that's odd. It might have rabies or something......You don't usually see them during the day and they usually don't get close! Be careful!
It's not odd to see foxes during the day - we have one living in our back yard for a couple years now - we avoid each other like the plaque. I would be very worried if he approached me like that and would wonder if he had rabies or IF someone had been feeding him in our area, and he expected you to feed him also. In either case I would report it to animal control, or police - which ever would be likely to try and catch him. Out here we could call the police. Please avoid him at all costs - rabies shots are very expensive and painful. Please do check that he just nipped your jacket and his teeth and saliva didn't get on you.
call animal control or try to kill it, its rabid. a sane fox should run or stay at least 75+ feet away form a human not run up in bite you. and get rabies shot in case it did get saliva on you cuz if it did you will die within a month form rabies
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Call animal control - and if the fox broke skin go to your doctor immediately. While it is not unusual to see fox about in the daytime, approaching a human and biting their clothing is absolutely abnormal. I too would be concerned that the fox was rabid and would exercise extreme caution while outside.
Maybe a neighbor is feeding it and it's become kind of tame?

After all, foxes were man's original best friend (domesticated before dogs).
That close to a human I suspect it is someone's bottle raised pet.

The rabies shots are NOT painful. If you ever get scratched or bitten, do not be afraid to take the series of shots. That painful nonsense is an old wife's tale intended to scare children into behaving. I've had the shots; they are no big deal.
Where do you live? In the country (as in, on a farm with no close neighbors)? In town? Near a town? If you're in the country I would most certainly be concerned about rabies. That is definitely NOT normal behavior for a truly wild fox. If you're near or in a town or city with alot of people nearby, it could well be someone's bottlefed "pet", or a fox that is acclimated to living near humans and used to being fed by them. Tell your parents and find out what they think. I would definitely call AC or police if you live in an area where you (or an adult) can't shoot the thing. If someone does shoot it, go for a lung shot and have the head tested for rabies.

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