Lock Down Questions

Let your incubator be. It's not best to open it when on lock down. You can cause your egg to shrink wrap. Whats your humidity at?
The first one looks to be a mix. Second is a mallard or rouen, last looks to be blue Swedish
Leave it alone.
(for now)

We need help!

Oops. Thought I did. Let’s try again.
Humidity is 74% and temp is 100–slightly warm.

I hear chirping and consistent tapping now !!

Don’t see much more external progress yet.

Temp and humidity are great!
You are on your way. The tapping is the duckling working on zipping the shell.
The air hole is a great opening for air and the baby is absorbing the yolk.
Sit on your hands Mom! Talk to you baby to encourage him/her when it is active.
This is like labor, it will take a while. Some pop sooner than others.

My grandmother would sit next to her girls reading the paper when they were in labor and offer encouragement along the way. She did this for her granddaughters too. She kept everyone calm like it was no big deal. She always took the baby from the nurse and handed the "nugget" to the new mom too.
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If it's in lockdown, I'd leave it so it doesn't get shrink-wrapped.... sometimes they are slower to develop. My Easter Eggers hatched from day 21 - 24. Sometimes you can have cooler spots or draft in the incubator. It may still hatch, but hatches later-more likely to need assistance or they are too weak to hatch.

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