Lock Down Questions

Thanks so much! Our first time. We found an abandoned egg on our property so we gave hatching a go. Our 7 yo has been amazed with all that we’ve been blessed to witness this far. Actually I’ve been equally amazed.

We have all for the brooder to go if we are lucky enough to have a new duckling soon. We know they need company so we will be adopting out the little guy. While we have him, we plan on keeping him inside and we plan to spend lots of time with him. Playing music, reading to him, etc...

We bought duckling starter. Will we need niacin to add to it?
@DownLo sounds like you are doing great! @Nyla gives wonderful advice!
I would add the caution to not jump in too quickly to assist the hatch. Ducklings can take up to 72 hours to break out.
Once the external pip is made the babe will rock and rest and the rest and rock...gaining strength from rest and activity. You won't be misting now. The sponges will help.

You can hear quacking/cheeping sounds. The duckling will respond to your chirps and whistles. The encouragement is helpful since it is a single baby hatching.

The duckling, depending on breed, won't stand up very tall, so covering the light bulb won't be necessary. Once dry the duckling will begin wobble walking and soon gain its footing.
Thank you. :)

So no external pipping yet still on this evening on day 27. The window has condensation so I can see super well. No chirping yet.

I was hoping to hear chirping so I would know at least he had internally pipped.

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