So my 3 eggs that seem to have been growing are at day 19 now, almost at the end of the day. I haven’t noticed any movement or shell cracking yet, and put them in lockdown yesterday, I have a few questions about what I should do to make sure I don’t do anything wrong at this point. I’m not using a incubator, I’ve been using a shoebox and a lamp and have it surrounded with blankets to keep it warm. I candled my eggs before I locked them down and everything seemed to be good. But my questions are how do I keep restocking the water for humitidy if I’m suppose to keep the “incubator” shut from now on? And when should I expect the first shell pip? This is all new to me so the more help the better!
So my 3 eggs that seem to have been growing are at day 19 now, almost at the end of the day. I haven’t noticed any movement or shell cracking yet, and put them in lockdown yesterday, I have a few questions about what I should do to make sure I don’t do anything wrong at this point. I’m not using a incubator, I’ve been using a shoebox and a lamp and have it surrounded with blankets to keep it warm. I candled my eggs before I locked them down and everything seemed to be good. But my questions are how do I keep restocking the water for humitidy if I’m suppose to keep the “incubator” shut from now on? And when should I expect the first shell pip? This is all new to me so the more help the better!