Lockdown and hatching?


In the Brooder
Feb 15, 2018
So my 3 eggs that seem to have been growing are at day 19 now, almost at the end of the day. I haven’t noticed any movement or shell cracking yet, and put them in lockdown yesterday, I have a few questions about what I should do to make sure I don’t do anything wrong at this point. I’m not using a incubator, I’ve been using a shoebox and a lamp and have it surrounded with blankets to keep it warm. I candled my eggs before I locked them down and everything seemed to be good. But my questions are how do I keep restocking the water for humitidy if I’m suppose to keep the “incubator” shut from now on? And when should I expect the first shell pip? This is all new to me so the more help the better!
Is it a plastic shoebox? How are you monitoring/judging humidity levels?
Cardboard shoe box surrounded by blankets, very humid and warm inside , I was using a humidity monitor to test the water when I opened the box quickly yesterday to put more water in, should I open the box again today to check the humidity or leave it closed?
Being cardboard you might have to add more water because the paper would absorb some, but you also don't want to go too high and make it soggy and collapse. I would go ahead and check it as I think you're more at risk for being too dry. Next time I'd suggest making it out of something non absorbent and non flammable.

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