Lockdown day 17?


Mar 31, 2020
Upstate New York
Hello. Today is day 17 of incubation and it is really exciting. Would it mess anything up if I locked down the eggs today? Or at least remove the turner. Because I don't want them to hatch on the opposite side of the egg when I lay them down flat. Thanks
I did see a couple of them wattle a little. And I don't know if it was my imagination, but i thought I heard a chirp earlier this morning.
Fine to stop turning and to go into lockdown now. If you heard a chirp, an internal pip has occurred. Good luck with the hatch. Also, do not worry about what side your eggs are laid down on, if they are going to hatch, they dont care what side they are on. Besides, once the first chick is hatched it is going to push the other eggs around all over the place. Soccer anyone??

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