Lockdown & pip question


10 Years
Apr 1, 2013
In the woods
I've been on here a lot reading and asked questions as needed with much help, thank you.
Now I have a new one. Probably a dumb question but I don't know the answer so...
I've read about lockdown etc. So if I have them on lockdown, how will I know if they pipped or not?
I'm not supposed to open the icubator for those last few days, from what I've read. But I've also read a lot of people commenting on their eggs pipping. How will I know if it has an internal pip if I can't look?
Sometimes you can see the bill moving up and down in the egg. - especially if it it hitting the shell. It may work better at night when its dark- but if you turn the lights off - and use a torch to shine onto the egg. You can still do this with the incubator closed - but it does take some practice and experience to know exactly what to look for.
You can also see the eggs wobble at times. This is a good indication that the duckling is hatching- and even better - and indication that the duckling is definitely still alive.

While it really is best to leave the incubator closed - the most critical time for the higher humidity is when the duckling has cracked through the shell as well. Ducklings dont always come on time either- so many people may find that when going into lockdown- the ducklings have already pipped internally.
Thank you, duckyfromoz. That's very helpful.
One more question. Exactly how many days before due date should I have them on lock down?

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