Lockdown tomorrow, anyone else this weekend?

You little stink! Did you open the bator while on lockdown? Can you read your humidity? Can't remember, do you have chicks, or ducks? I keep my humidity around 50 55 while incubating, then go up to 60 to 65. With chicken eggs.
Good luck, maybe tonight?
Lol. My bator keeps good temp and humidity while i have it open as long as its not open for any longer than a minute tops.. temp is staying at 99 and just above, humidity is staying at 65-70%. I have pheasants, quail, chukar and ducks.
All righty then! I sometimes wonder if I'm offering advice to someone that already knows what's up--and/or down!

Good luck, I'll watching to see what happens for you.
lol! yeah i keep a close eye on all my readings.. Ive kept a higher incubation humidity than recommended for pheasants because i have my ducks in there as well. (another reason i cant help but to open the bator, still have to turn my ducks today, last day, then they go on lockdown starting tomorrow). But anyways, Im going crazy!

I am worried that they wont hatch, then im worried that if i mess with them ill hurt em and then they REALLY wont hatch... This is an Emotional Roller Coaster Man!! LMAO!

Anywho, ill definitely keep updated...

Update: No update to tell about, no pips... lol!

Wonder what ever happened with the rest of NYRIR's hatch?

Not sure, i was wondering the same thing...

Update: Is it a pip? Is a baby coming!? Nope.. nvmd, it was a peice of poo... Theyre EGGS!!
Just getting on..I would help it out. I had to help a few out with this hatch too..maybe you already did?

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