Lockdown tomorrow, anyone else this weekend?

Aww, good news and bad.

Sgt..how darling..so glad he made it. He just got to rest in between trying the whole time. :p

Mini, I'm sorry that you lost one..but you have the other cuties. I'm glad that you both got some cute babies..mine are doing real well.
Man, they grow fast don't they?
Man i got home and he was just running every where screaming, peeping till his little heart was content i swear! He was just 4xin over all those other eggs in there, got a few of em riled up so now theyre betweenm 1/4 and 1/2 pipped out of the shell!! one that pipped at the wrong spot is sitting in there with his little beak stickin out of the hole peeping like crazy. Figure ill give him about the same amount of time i gave the other one before i step in and help him.. between 24-36 hours.. He sure is cute though! He sees me and hauls butt to the front of the incubator and crashes into the glass trying to get to me. i had to unstick him (got stuck between the egg and side of the incubator, lol) and after i got him out of there i just put my hand in front of him and he ran up on it. hes all fluffy and i think overheating so ive got to get something set up for him to go into until the others hatch, hes finding a corner with the smallest amount of airflow and huddling up in it. He sure is cute though!!

Sorry for your losses. It sucks
Ive lost babies before, but yes at least you have other little fuzzies to play with
Congrats everyone on all the hatches!
I hope they are BO x's and not red star roosters! I don't have any BO's but I love the color.Sgt dane, I've never seen a chukar...what's it look like all dry?
Cynthia 12, thanks for all the help,really! Already the little buggers are climbing into my hand to eat...soooo cute! And spoiling them already
They were worth the 3 hours of sleep before work that day
Well you must have something magic going on because all mine run away. Some of them are little d'Uccles and I'm thrilled about that. I can't believe how fast they grow feathers, even tail feathers and long feathers on their feet....even on their toes. They are five days old and their wing feathers are an inch long already. I picked them all up one at a time to look at them and was shocked how strong they are...I was used to handling the little guy who didn't make it and he was weak, and floppy, and so delicate.

The day they were born I had a hen go broody and I put ten eggs under her...it is her first time hatching. I put d'Uccles and Seabrights under her and eggs from my mutt couple that are so pretty. I also have eleven still with the hen who hatched the Friday before Memorial Day. I have chicks galore. There are four Seabright eggs in the incubator on lockdown but I don't have much hope for them. The incubator was open a lot when the others hatched and the eggs were more than 10 days old when I put them in. And they didn't get turned while the others were on lockdown.

I'm making a hatching box out of an Omaha Steaks box but I can't get it cool enough. Even a 40 watt bulb makes it way too hot. Heating pad on low didn't either. I need to buy some very low watt bulbs and try those.
He was stuck in the shell for 36 hours, so he was mostly dry when he hatched.. But now i have two melanistic pheasants, one bob white quail, and one chukar! 6 more pipped!! 4 hatch, 6 pip, 16 to go. LOL!!


The chukar wants to be with me, ALWAYS. runs to me when he sees me peeping! LOL! I hold him lots, hes all dry and fluffed up now

Two melanistic pheasants in the pic, chukar right side and quail left side.
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Minibeesknees....lol...no nothing magic...but I think talking to them while hatching made them recognize my voice.When I just try to pick them up..they run...when I have an open hand with food...combined with "Chick,Chick,Chicken!"They run for me.So darn CUTE!
I had 2 more pheasants and one chukar hatch last night. And a duck this morning!! 7 more pips including two ducks! Yay!!!

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