Lockdown tomorrow! Wish this quail hatching virgin good luck!

Thanks! For now I put that fan in a container I'm hoping it will keep it out of the way. Here is my setup!
For now, it should suffice, but for future hatches, I would recommend mounting the fan (if possible) to the top of the incubator, then do a few test runs with 2 or 3 thermometers in different locations to see if the fan is working as it should. Also, check out this link... it shows how to make a homemade forced air incubator; it may give you an idea on how to mount that computer fan inside of your incubator.

Oh yeah, and good luck with that hatch, and post some pics!!!
For now, it should suffice, but for future hatches, I would recommend mounting the fan (if possible) to the top of the incubator, then do a few test runs with 2 or 3 thermometers in different locations to see if the fan is working as it should. Also, check out this link... it shows how to make a homemade forced air incubator; it may give you an idea on how to mount that computer fan inside of your incubator.

Oh yeah, and good luck with that hatch, and post some pics!!!
Yeah since I put the fan in the container to protect the chicks, I found a hot spot on the far side of the incubator. But I set all the eggs on the inside of the heating element and the temp seems pretty stable there.
I'm locking down on 21 cortunix quail tomorrow to! I'm pretty worried about the random 106 temp spike I just had while at the store on my LG.
I was having some temp spikes when I first set up the LG, but then I added the computer fan (which generates heat so I had a spike when I added it so I frantically stabilized it). With the addition of the fan, the incubator has stayed pretty stable, within a degree or two for 14 days now. It is just a computer USB fan which I have plugged into an adapter in my wall.
Yeah, quail eggs are tiny. Wait til you see the chicks that come out of these tiny eggs. Only a tad larger than a bumble bee!!
Oh my gosh, that will be so adorable! I can't wait for them to hatch! I didn't realize they would hatch that tiny!
Oh my gosh, that will be so adorable! I can't wait for them to hatch! I didn't realize they would hatch that tiny!
Because they are that tiny, they can easily fall in a water font and drown. So use a chick waterer or marbles or small stones in a regular water font. Even jelly jar lids with tiny stones in them work well. Quail babies are not only tiny, but clumsy as well. So watch them closely til they grow large enough to use a regular water font. :)
Well so I miscounted my days... I should have started lockdown yesterday. Good thing I have this humid Louisiana weather. Boy if I'd never have thought I would say that growing up! I was doing a last moment check for duds before lockdown ( found one) and discovered a pip! AH! At least my humidity didn't drop much!
Because they are that tiny, they can easily fall in a water font and drown. So use a chick waterer or marbles or small stones in a regular water font. Even jelly jar lids with tiny stones in them work well. Quail babies are not only tiny, but clumsy as well. So watch them closely til they grow large enough to use a regular water font. :)

I have a quail chick waterer I picked up. Any quail diet advice?
Start them out with gamebird starter or some sort of gamebird or turkey food that contains 24% to 28%. Preferably 28% for starting babies. At 6 weeks old, you can lower the protein as low as 24%, and if you wish you can work in the veggies, greens, sliced fruits, seeds, grains, mealworms, etc...Add some grit at this time as well.
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Day 15! Should I be seeing some movement in the eggs yet? They are so still and I want them to start hatching soon!

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