Locking chickens in coop for the night, a neccessity if they have a run?

Kids learn real fast not to touch hot wires ;) We have horses so our entire property is lined with 6 hot wires and 4 barbed. I have feed constantly available in the coop and troughs outside. Water is only outside
Are the chickens OK to go all night with no water?
my chicken door stays open to the run all night so they can get water if they want it. I have an auto waterer bucket thats got a small fill hose added to it, which is in turn on a timer to insure they have water at all times. I think maybe once i saw a chicken go out to get a drink at night. the ducks sleep in the run and dont hardly touch the water over night.
The only predators around here are foxes, coyotes, racoons, dogs, cats, and birds of prey. No large predators like bears, thank goodness! We don't even really have snakes, it's been years since I saw a snake.
I'm sorry to say I've seen raccoons rip the chicken wire off my neighbors henhouse and rip the chickens apart. Raccoons are very strong and determined. We used hogwire on the open parts of the coop, and lock them in at night. You have to build a penitentiary before you can stop being concerned about that.
Kids learn real fast not to touch hot wires ;) We have horses so our entire property is lined with 6 hot wires and 4 barbed. I have feed constantly available in the coop and troughs outside. Water is only outside
They learn not to pee on them too!... OK, I was only six years old but to this day, 50yrs later, I have yet to pee on another one... lesson learned!
Living up a canyon, we have the same predators as you. We have a chicken tractor, and we do not close the pop-door during the summer. This was the first summer, however, but we have not had any problems. A neighbors dog tried to get in, but to no avail.... So I would say you would be safe, but it is really your choice.
Where we live the only serious predators we have are hawks, but we still lock them in the coop at night. I might be a "nervous Nelly" but I just feel better, LOL. A couple times I fell asleep in the chair and didn't get the door shut and while they were perfectly fine, I still fret a bit. Probably more for me than them, but we shut 'em up :)
Ever thought of getting some guineas? they alert any time something isnt right. and well they either stupid or fearless cause they will fight about anything.... one of mine even jumps up and nips our horses if they get too close to the feed. lol it amuses me.
Nothings a hundred percent. Most of my coops are three sided. I only have one for sided coop & it has auto pop door & hot wire three inches from the ground & another strand about 18 inches above the ground all the way around the coop & the run. The only thing that has gotten in was a snake. My three sided coops are made with half inch hardware cloth & an apron around the entire structure no hot wire. I feel the birds are safe. Here's one of my three sided coops.
Your run sounds good; I'd consider hog panels or 2"by4" horse fencing as another layer, depending on how far apart your framing is. My coop has food and water available all the time; the birds are up at dawn, not me! Add ventilation and a window to the coop and lock them in at night, IMO. Mary PS Good luck sticking with only 2 or 3 bantams!

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