Loft Help


May 14, 2015
Hi all, I am new here and I am planning on building a loft for a few pigeons and I needed some help. My main question is would it be better to have a walk in/shed type loft or a smaller type loft that isn't walk into? I know it's ultimately up to me and what I am able to build but has anyone had experience with either type. I know that there should be 2 sq. ft. per bird and I would want to build bigger in case the flock grows. Another questions is should the outside run be on the ground or raised up some? I have a couple fantails and a homing pigeon that would be living in this if that is any help.
Thanks for any help,
My main question is would it be better to have a walk in/shed type loft or a smaller type loft that isn't walk into? Size of the flock is the ruling factor. I have a walk in type and I like it but I have a large flock. . Another questions is should the outside run be on the ground or raised up some? I would raise it up and have it so the droppings could fall through personally.

Check out this link for a peak at my pigeon set up you will have to suffer through a comercial:
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Alright thank you. Will having a wire floor affect the birds a lot in the winter? It can get pretty cold here.
One by one squared perches like garden stakes, seem preferred n suggested for rock doves ("pigeons"), n work good, or wood block perches large enough for one, or two only on floor n or walls opposite each other and having two per bird. bricks as perches per pair or each are great for toe nails kept trim n healthy.
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