LOL Strutting his stuff!!!

Well, Little Brit thinks he's got all the right stuff!!! Mind you when he meets his father all that is likely to change. Chuckle.

His father just beat the snot out of the Roo for getting anywhere near his brooding girls.

Poor George really sucks as a fighter.

I just had the pack of them and their chickens out in the yard for a couple of hours, I got to play statue and turkey comforter a LOT, they're really working at sorting out pecking order and today they found the brooder full of younger turkeys. Took me 15 minutes to convince the baby toms to stop displaying at all the poor younger turkeys. Silly beasts.

The boys are actually finally putting out black tipped red feathers, so they're really growing up now. Sigh. That means sorting them out soon.

Hens I'm growing most of the way out but three growing Toms I probably don't need.
These guys are coming on 12 weeks I think. I'd have to check a calendar. In BRs the males have black edged tips to their feathers and the girls white. The juvenille feathers were all the same colors with white on the ends until these more mature redder feathers started coming in.

Though really it's kind of hard to miss STRUTTTTT and the whole head changing color and the carbuncles. They're also generally BIGGER than the girls by this point.

Brit brings his ugly, knobby, baby-head over for me to rub, he may be growing but he's still Momma's baby Brit.
Reminds me waaayyyy too much of middle school, when all the boys pretended to be men.

Does he have one squiggly little chin hair he guards with his life?
that is just too funny
A certain boy from my childhood just came to mind.
He's bald now, but boy did he hang onto that fuzzy chin forever in the 9th grade.
Awwww, that is just so cute! I can't believe you were able to catch it on camera!

I have 2 BR's that are 6 weeks old today and I have been trying to catch him doing it for 2 weeks now. By the time I grab the camera and get it turned on and ready to take a pic he quits!

It really is adorable though.
What a cool picture! We had hens last year for 4H. I though we had a least one boy this year as when we moved the poults outside those feathers got all fluffed. But here were are a few weeks later and no sign of a tom. Looks like ended up with hens again. But they sure are fun to watch
Mr Pipps strutted his stuff today for the first time! he and his chicks (he's the only poult with oh... 35 chicken chicks...) have been out seeing the whole wide world.

we laughed so hard when he puffed up and strutted!

i took him over to see TurkZilla and he was stunned into silence.

he is the cutest ever! whee! love love love turkeys!
Not to steal the show or hijack this thread... but I've got a strutter too! Who would've ever guessed that they would strutt at this age?

This little dude is only 2 weeks old today. He was real upset last night when one of his brooder mates escaped from the aquarium they are in and "flew the coop" (you can see the escapee in the second photo). These are our first little poults and we're hooked.

A question to the OP... what breed is your poult and how old?? If you posted that earlier, I missed it.


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