Lone Chick - need help please!

How old are the older chicks?... you don't want them pecking and picking on it ....I've never put chicks in with older ones til they are 3 or 4 months old and can take care of themselves and have places to get away from pecking or meanies...then you have to worry to about it getting enough feed and water..........
<----- Boogie was a lone chick. He did fine with his mirror and rice sock for company. I just warmed the sock up a little bit at night and he cuddled up with it.

At 5 or 6 weeks old I had a new batch of 5 chicks that were a couple of weeks old that I put in with him. I was worried that he would hurt them....instead he was scared of them. The next morning I found the chicks all sleeping under his wings, much to his dismay. He still is slightly spoiled and likes to rooster dance to me, so he has to be reminded that I am NOT one of his girls.

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