Lone Chick?


In the Brooder
May 31, 2017
I recently got a new Dominique Chick about 3 to 4 weeks old that won't interact with other chicks. It runs away and just yells for help. I recently put in into a larger, sheltered space to live in outside and it has a better way of escaping now. It outruns all of the other chicks and I'm wondering how I can help them get along. Thanks!
Are the chicks all the same size as the Dominique? Bigger, or even smaller chicks, can be pretty scary to a lone chick. If they are the same size, (it may seem mean) you can put the chick with the other chicks for a day and night, and it will probably learn that they are not there to scare it. Good luck
Are the chicks all the same size as the Dominique? Bigger, or even smaller chicks, can be pretty scary to a lone chick. If they are the same size, (it may seem mean) you can put the chick with the other chicks for a day and night, and it will probably learn that they are not there to scare it. Good luck
Thanks! I have tried putting it in with the other chicks overnight but in the end I found it with a cut on the edge of its eyes and a missing patch of fur on its head. I tried it in a more open space and the other chicks that were friendly before also started chasing it. The other chicks are about a week older than the dominique. Any more advice?

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