
May 31, 2020
I’ve just started breeding chicks, I had a previous successful hatch, this time used a new incubator and only one has survived and hatched out of 10, I’ve put her/him in a cage, with heat pad, it’s cheeping a lot but hasn’t ate or drank as of yet (it’s about 12 hours old), I’m thinking maybe it’s lonely. Not sure often shall I handle it.
I’ve just started breeding chicks, I had a previous successful hatch, this time used a new incubator and only one has survived and hatched out of 10, I’ve put her/him in a cage, with heat pad, it’s cheeping a lot but hasn’t ate or drank as of yet (it’s about 12 hours old), I’m thinking maybe it’s lonely. Not sure often shall I handle it.
some membrane stuck on back and head shall I remove?


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The membrane that was left should be fine. I'd recommend getting a heat lamp, versus a heating pad. Heating pads often have shut off features and if the bird is too cool, it is possible to injure/burn themselves on the pad. How is the surviving chick doing now?
The membrane that was left should be fine. I'd recommend getting a heat lamp, versus a heating pad. Heating pads often have shut off features and if the bird is too cool, it is possible to injure/burn themselves on the pad. How is the surviving chick doing now?
Unfortunately he/she passed away :,(, I found (her) under the puppy heat pad it was a very heavy pad so it’s still a mystery as to how she managed to get under. I think she might of gone under for some heat I’m very upset as was hoping to keep her as a house pet, she didn’t really eat or drink a lot for the 3 days I had her and wanted to be held constantly. The only think she managed to enjoy was raw bacon wouldn’t touch the chick crumb. I’m still very upset, I’m not very happy with the company I got the incubator from it was a Japanese make from eBay and all but one died before hatching. :(
I don't know how expensive they are, but Mabey try Brinsea, I've seen them on My Pet Chicken, and I've heard good things about them.
Yes these are the best! we do have a one but the brinsea one we did have was in use thankfully all the eggs hatched for my father and mother in law all from this hatched fit and healthy,


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Very sorry to hear about your chick. For future reference, please don't offer a baby chick anything to eat but chick starter. Also, you may have to teach it to drink by dipping its beak in warm water the first time. Better luck next time!

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