Look at my chick area within the coop! Finished!

Another great idea I can utilize...if I ever get my coop finished, if my chickens ever start laying, if anyone ever goes broody! lol Mine are just under 14 weeks, so haven't experienced some of the fun stuff yet!
Awesome job!

Lucky chicks!

Thanks! I will pass that on to DH! The big girls are outside 90% of the time. I put in two feeders with their medicated chick feed- one hanging and one metal "coop cup" you can see hanging on the side. There are also two waterers. One on blocks and one rabbit bottle waterer that is out of view. I was afraid they would not eat or drink, so I wanted to cover all the bases. I have no idea how I will feed the little ones once everyone is integrated? The big girls are on organic layer pellets. Are pellets too big for chicks? I know it is not for a couple weeks, but does anyone have any suggestions?
The white (or yellow?) one on the left, giving you that look. I can't quite make it out in the photo, but is that a little cockerel comb?

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