Look at what the cat dragged in...new pix on pgs 4, 5, 6

This is not a chimp. It sounds like DixieChick is old hat at this. Good Luck girl and let us know how it turns out.
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Then here ya go...I swear they SOOO much cuter in person! They grab the syringe and suckle til they slip into a stooper from eating--kinda like DH at Thanksgiving!
My brother and his mil work at a golf course in Indiana and they found a baby squirrel whose mom had been killed and bottle raised it and when they let outside to play it ran away. They sometimes see it but otherwise it is out in the wild where it is much happier.
I hope you don't mind if I show our Phoebe. We got her when she was 3 days old. When she was about 3 weeks old I would start letting her climb on me outside in the grass and then one day when she was finally done being fed formula (6-7 weeks old) she just took off up into the trees and never looked back. I also rescued 3 other brothers and they still eat from me from time to time. They are a blast to raise but I'm sooo glad to see them in the woods instead of in my house.


Cute kitty your daughter looks so sweet I remember mine at that she then she turned 18 darn it no more sweetness are buying cute little dresses

And awww look at the babies
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after ike we found a badly injured baby squirrel in our yard. we tried giving it powdered milk and it was on a bed of hay but sadly the poor thing never made it through the night! we buried it next to our beautiful oak tree and made it a lil headstone from a large rock we had.

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