Look honey at the deer... omg thats a coyote!

That's a coyote alright. I'd be careful getting a dog. A few weeks ago my friends dog got into a fight with a coyote. It left about a 5in gash on her neck and other gashes around her body. If she hadn't worked with a vet the dog would of got put down. She got a discount of $300.
I'm not sure if you are asking me or the OP. I cropped this picture to get a little better look at him/her.

If you are going to use dogs to keep coyotes away I would suggest getting at least two larger sized dogs.
In my parents old neighborhood coyotes jumped the fences of the houses bordering the woods and killed 9 dogs, some of them pretty large in a two week period back in the 90's.
I had my favorite dog, a little, Australian shepherd/Australian cattle dog/feist named Dingle go after two coyotes behind my friends barn at around 3:00PM in the afternoon last year.
She went running out the door, while I was working on a pigeon loft in the barn. I ran to the door and she was 10 feet from one coyote and had another one running at her from the side.
I ran out yelling and the one in front of her disapeared.
The other one went up on the hill and then ran back within 30 feet of us as I grabbed Dingle.
It then ran back up on the hill and actually sat and watched us for a few seconds before moving farther away.
I ran to the house and told my friend, James, to grab his 7 mm.
By the time he got it loaded the coyote was standing out in the open on the end of the hay field by the beans. James went to shoot and then dropped the gun down.
One of the deer hunters had a stand right in line with where the coyote was standing.
I ran to the milkhouse to see if the hunter had signed in and he pulled into the driveway as I got there.
The coyote took of before I got back.
I was talking to a farmer I know, Paul, last week. He had his beagle killed and eaten by the coyotes and his German shepherd female torn up within 40 yards of his house.
Curious what kind of gun you were wanting to use. My wife's a bittly lil thing, and I'd let her shoot all but my 30-.06, 12 Ga, or my AK, everything else she could easily handle, including my .45 glock

And I'm not a big guy. Practice makes perfect. They are within 20 acres? Reach out and crush someone
Get yourself a .270 or something flat shooting with plenty of knockdown. Scope it, and be deadly with it.

We owe our chickens a responsibility to protect.......... aw heck, you know this rant already
I have a question that I'd ask DH but he's in bed. I remember someone posting about it in (another thread). What is "birdshot"? Does it spray outward from a single shot? This is what I'm envisioning. If so, what about proximity to the chickens? Thanks!

OOPS! Didn't mean to hijack!
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Its for a shotgun.

Buckshot is bigger pellets but fewer(10-20) of them in a shell.
Its used for bigger critters like dogs and deer.

Birdshot is a lot(200-300) of tiny pellets in a shell.
Its used for small critters like birds and other small game.
But it lacks penetration power of the bigger pellets.

The farther the range is the bigger the pattern is.

Slugs are like a rifle bullet.

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