Look what I found in my hay

That little cute snake is cut-er (sp?) than the 3 ft long copper head we found in our driveway!! Wanna trade?
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thats a pretty pic of him on the pumpkin,
That is a cute snake. I have a small pool in my creek about 2 feet deep in places. It is maybe 5x10. It has salamanders, crawfish, frogs, turtles, all kind of little fish, and several varieties of water snakes including a copperhead. I can set and watch the critters all day. I have not seen the snakes in a few weeks though must be denned up for the winter. I know some of you are gonna say kill the copperhead. As long as the copperhead sticks close by the pool he is fine by me.
Beautiful little snake! If you don't want it...stick it in an envelope and mail it me. Just be sure and mark "hand stamp" on the envelope!
My wife is the snake wrangler. When she's out in the garden she'll always turn over rocks and logs looking for snakes. Were moving back to AZ next summer. I told her she'll have to stop once we get down there!
Hiss hiss hiss

Waaaah! Snake! KILL IT!

Just kidding about kill. We're not usually used to having snakes in the backyard. But that snake looks harmless and friendly to chickens. It's kinda cute, too!

Does it bite people? Does it eat chicks or chickens?

We found a snake once.......it was dead; we ran over it by a car!
My mom screamed with all her might.

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