look what I woke uo 2!!!my heart is so heavy

I'm so sorry Big Red chicken, if I were there I would give you a big hug.
So sorry about your loss... It is devastating to lose all that hard work and devotion, not to mention they are very special to you. I had a couple of someones dogs come in the yard day before Thanksgiving last year and kill half my flock... My fault on that one though, got too comfortable letting them free range during the day. We are usually here when the chickens are out but that day everyone was on the run. I have kept a close reign on this flock of girlys I have now, although the Pheonix/Game flys over the fence on a daily basis, I think she can take care of herself pretty much though she's an excellent flyer.

Lots of hugs and condolences for you... and don't give up.
Very sorry for your loss.

Because you have photos, if you find the dogs and owners, can you hold them liable for your damages? The dog in the photo does not look like a stray, it looks like it has a home. Mail carriers know where dogs live and who has dogs...show your photos to them. They can keep a look out for the assassins.
I'm so sorry!!

They should still hatch after being in the fridge. I hatched an egg once that had been refrigerated at cold temps for 14 days!
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OMG! I wouldn't had thought to grab a camera. We always had for the guns. Pellet guns that is. If we caught one in the act it would have been one of the real guns. I am so sorry. I've had neighbor dogs kill my chickens before. A couple of years ago I started with 15, ended with 8. We trailed the feathers all the way to the dogs home and there they sat. Knawing on our chickens while the owner sat on the porch denying it. He was an idiot anyway. He was told if it happens again the dog will be shot even if its in his yard. And he will have to pay for the chickens.

Of course, our laws don't allow that but this guy was really stupid. He got rid of the dogs. We can kill the dog if it is on our property threatening out livestock. It can be injured and make it home but a blood trail would be evidence enough.

This mans dogs also killed his other neighbors chickens and turkeys. That man shot a few of them after alot of threatening the neighbor. This idiot took in strays from anywhere. After they got rid of the dogs, they moved soon after and we had no problem with strays after that. I never lost another chicken.
Yes indeed.

This is heartbreaking. When I hear of these situations, I think of the utter terror the birds go through during a massacre. The dogs people must be found and must be held accountable. And you should get publicity about this so lots of people can see and learn and hold tight onto their dogs.

I am so sorry....

So very, very sorry!!! My neighbor's dog got my dogs to chasing our chickens and kittens, killing some of each. It's like losing part of your family! We started shooting him with a BB gun every time he came on our property and he stays away now. My dogs behave when he is not influencing them.

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