Look what we did/are doing! UPDATE 8/26

Hi from Ga. Very nice.
Funny you should say that because I was just eyeballing your rain barrel set up the other day, so hopefully in the future they'll have that in common too!
Yesterday I glued the linoleum flooring down and it looks really good! It took a while to try and smooth all the air bubbles out and there are a few bumps here and there from the OSB underneath but it looks like it will be so easy to clean. This afternoon we'll be getting the rest of the materials we'll need to finish up the actual coop structure (siding, insulation, plywood for the interior walls, trim) and hopefully rain will stay away long enough for us to get work done!
Beautiful! Awesome! My husband is busy designing one for us also! I can't wait to see what he comes up with! These coops look great! So inviting and clean looking! I love them!
Job well done indeed! You guys and by you guys I mean both of you did a great job. Mikes building and your input and chicken desire.. or something like that, sounded better in my head lol.
UPDATE 8/18!
I've been meaning to get on here and update our progress but life's been busy! We're 99% done with the coop and the girls have been moved in for several weeks now. I finished hanging all the hardware cloth which I can easily say is one of my least favorite things in the world to do. Mike made a great guillotine style door with a pulley system so we can open and close the door with out going in the run. We insulated the coop with foam sheeting, Great Stuff expanding foam and bubble wrap. The sheeting was a pain in the butt to cut and I would suggest avoiding it if you can! Mike put up plywood on the interior walls, which we painted with exterior paint from the mistint section at Lowes. I was a little disappointed because I had intended to use a gloss paint to make cleaning easier and didn't realize that I picked up matte until after I bought it but it was $5.00 for a gallon so beggars can't be choosers. We then caulked any any seams to keep out drafts and keep moisture from getting in the walls.



When we did our initial design I forgot to raise up the door so that I could do deep little without shavings constantly spilling out. As an after though I made a barrier with a 2x4 to keep the shavings at bay. The 2x4 will be replaced with a 2x6 when I eventually get around to it. We added a temporary roost with is just a short length of 1x3 this will be switched out to a 2x4 and run the length of the coop when I find the time. The chickens haven't quite figured out the roost bar yet and prefer to sleep smooshed in a corner on top of one another but hopefully they'll figure it out soon enough. We put hardware cloth over the window openings so we don't have to worry about night time creatures climbing in if we forget to close the windows. I made a PVC nipple waterer and feeder. The waterer seems to be working pretty well, the girls figured it out with in a day or so. The feeder on the other hand jams up because I used 2" pipe and have since read that 3" or 4" are ideal so it need to be redone. Please excuse how sloppy the installation looks in the pic, the placement isn't final as I figured they'd need to be raise in a month or so when the girls are closer to being their adult size.



Of course our coop need a name so after stealing the name "Fuster Cluck" from someone on here I made a sign! I was pretty proud of myself. I still need to stain it before it gets hung up, hopefully I'll get around to it this weekend.

So far the girls are loving their new set up! Most nights they get to run around the yard for an hour or so before they head back to the coop and put themselves to bed.



There is a ton more I want/need to do like add a gutter (draining to a rain barrell) since the side the water drains to is up hill. We've begun digging out some of the dirt on the floor of the run, we plan on adding sand in the next week or so.


One more pic! The chickens discovered the garden the other day, hopefully they'll leave it alone until I put some chicken wire around it!
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