LOOK What We Got Today....!!!

I want one.
I had a pyrenese/brit mix... he loved the water. When ever he'd see a pond, he'd be in it. I don't know who thought that would be a fun mix... but he was something else. Named him Beregond after a character in the lord of the rings book. Some jerk stole him. Stole him and left my pit puppy who was way more valuable since he had very rare coloring... Well anyway. Bere looked quite a bit like max there. Best dog ever.
Max is so cute.
I see it in him....I have a saint and that is what I thought instantly.
The brown and the markings on his face including the freckles are markings of most all saints. Very cute!

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Today, it is 32 degrees on waking. We let Max out and he is resting comfortably on a flat rock in the front yard. It's like he prefers the cold - wow! This isn't a little house dog... I'm thinking... this is a real dog's dog! I'm really glad he prefers the outside because that's what we got him for - to guard our chickens! Of course, with a huggable like him, his place in the 'family' is multi-faceted. Great dog! Now if our girls can just get used to him.
skip the scruff shakes too. We are not dogs, dont try to be one. LGDs are NOT good dogs to use force on, because they are not bred to back down to a threat. Use motivational, positive, trust based methods for a good relationship with your pup.

Now, CONGRATS! He is adorable! I am all for adopting a cross bred pup (just not for breeding them), and I do hope he is a good guardian for you.
Dont trust him too quickly, puppies are puppies and even when they are big, they are babies. If he makes a mistake, find a way to prevent it from occuring again IMMEDIATELY. Do not wait till he has killed five chickens, or even two. If he isnt behaving exactly the way he should, do not allow him out of your sight with them. Same for other problems. Every time a behavior occurs, it is strengthened, so stop it after one occurance.
Oh yeah, not just size, but with that baby face, he's maybe ten weeks old. At four months, he'd be getting lanky and getting hard guard hairs along his spine, looking a little like a wavy mohawk (not a spiked one, lol).

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