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you can get this stuff from the pet store called "bitter apple," it's just a nasty tasting spray that you put on your hands before initiating play with the pup. they nibble you, you taste horrible, they stop nibbling you.

... except for the 10% or so of pups that actually LIKE bitter tasting hands.


he's adorable!

one of my Anatolian pups likes the taste of it. I sprayed it on his brother's hot spots to keep the pups from licking them and he licked them even more....like I'd put chicken gravy on them or something! Silly dog!
you can get this stuff from the pet store called "bitter apple," it's just a nasty tasting spray that you put on your hands before initiating play with the pup. they nibble you, you taste horrible, they stop nibbling you.

... except for the 10% or so of pups that actually LIKE bitter tasting hands.


he's adorable!

Woah! That 'Bitter Apple' sounds like just the ticket.

I'll put that on my list! Thanks!
after you're sure he's not one of the weirdos that likes the taste, you can also spray it on various things that the pup is chewing on that he's not supposed to (furniture, shoes, etc) just do a little test area first to make sure the object doesn't react to the spray. and do NOT put your hands/fingers in your mouth after you've sprayed yourself. trust me.
Ok, what's happening to my beautiful little puppy? In just two weeks, he seems to be growing all this crazy hair that's making him look like he stuck his paw in a light socket! Could it be? Oh, No! Don't tell me.... no, I don't want to hear it. He can't be growing up!


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