LOOK What We Got Today....!!!

Max had his 2nd vet appointment today for puppy shots. His last appointment was on 10/24 and weighed 22 lbs. Well, just three weeks later, he weighs 36 lbs. That little boy has gained 14 pounds in less than 4 weeks. Now, how does THAT happen?! At that rate, by New Years, he'll be 100 lbs!

Anybody have similar experiences with their LGDs growth rate?
A friend of our got a Swiss Mountain Dog and it would put on weight like that. They named her Kilo - rightly so, because I've never seen anything like the weight that dog put on!
Slightly off topic (sorry, Max!), but did you see the news story about the couple and their rescued St. B? They pulled him out of the pound because they were afraid he'd be euthanized. He was a big boy but really skinny and in bad shape and they were going to fatten him up and find him a forever home. They had him for an afternoon - they fed him, then took him for a walk. When they came back, he suddently went on alert, went crashing through the screen door of their house and ended up chasing a home invader out the back, almost getting him by the leg as he went over the back fence. Police say the dog saved their lives - and the couple said Hercules (great name!) now has a forever home with them. Great story...great dog.
Yep - amazing. I actually thought of Max as I was reading the story! And of course thinking I need to get my own LGD
Giant breeds put on a LOT of weight in the first 6 months, then slow down until they reach their adult weight at 2. They say you can double the 6 month weight to get an adult weight estimate. My anatolian pups had weeks then they gained 5 pounds in a single week! Isaac's 6 month weight was 70 pounds, Eli's was a bit less. Since you don't know exactly how old your Max is, you can only guess at it.....but he will be a big boy!
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Awww - he's still cute as all get out, though! But it's true - he's starting to look like a teenager. Hope you don't get the teenager attitude to go along with the looks
Those Saint Bernards start getting that droopy jowl look as soon as they put on a lot of weight. His skin is so funny. It rolls all over his body like it's too big and waiting for him to grow into it.
I guess it's just getting ready for what it knows is coming!

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