Look what's lurking around my yard...

Just curious here, does anyone know if opossums will attack and kill poultry if they have access to an alternate food source? I ask because we have had a family of Opossums living in our barn for the past 10 years or so. We see them every year and have seen them with babies on occasion. They have lived peacefully with our cats, chickens, guineas, turkey and peacocks. We believe in a live and let live philosophy and so long as they do no harm we do none to them, if they were to start killing our birds they would be dealt with swiftly. Our chickens are completely free range roosting where they want and the opossums could easily get them if they wanted, but we've had zero deaths and zero disappearances. So why would some opossums be so bloodthirsty while others are not at all? As for the alternate food source, we put out a very big dish of hard cat food every evening, this is where we usually see our opossums...eating cat food.

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It depends on what the opossum prefers to eat. I suspect that chasing chickens around in the trees is a lot more effort for the opossum than walking up to a bowl of cat food.
The acetone should be injected into the blood from my understanding, not the the lungs... Much like a vet would uthenize a dog
By the way - "shouting" is displayed using all capitals, and has nothing to do with font size. I tend to use a larger font to save many from having to grab their glasses. Much easier to read ...

Actually, if someone suddenly supersizes the font it is considered another form of shouting. Before rich text and html, one was stuck with a plain, non-bold, set size font. In those days all upcase was considered shouting; now there are several methods for shouting online - and supersizing the font is only one of them.
Gander, you can increase the size of fonts displayed on your computer pretty easily. (CTRL + and CTRL - work in almost every browser)

For the rest of us,

This is very jarring.
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Well, when I was at 4-h camp Somethin got my first rooster and 4 if my hens! I only have two hens left. My dad found it carrying my rooster into the woods but first it had to go through this huge field above my pig pen. My dad shot it from a really long distance away. Wow! It was amazing! He shot it and it went flying into the air! It was a fox
a whole lot of foxes have been getting into our chicken coop in the last 2 years. Luckily, my dad is an expert at hunting and he is a farmer. I'm glad we live in virginia! But when I got back I waited about 3 weeks until I let them out again. The day I let them out was the day another fox attacked. But my cocker spaniel ran him down. One of my hens that the fox ran after only got some feathers torn out of her neck. No cuts or scratches. I thought my Rhode Island Red chicken had gotten killed but she was in the driveway eatin bugs. Any tips about how we can get rid of a fox den?!?

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