Look who ended up in my master bath!!!


10 Years
Jan 1, 2010
They are 2 1/2 weeks old and 9 of them in a 45 gal Rubbermaid with waterer - feeder and roost I felt they needed more room -
asked hubby if he minded if I put them in our garden tub in the master bathroom - we RARELY use the tub - if it had jets am sure
I would use it more - -

He said he didn't care - he does shower in this room but I think it gives him an excuse to check on the brood - before the chicks came
I would show him pics of the breeds I wanted and he would say - "They are birds honey.......you know I don't like birds......" Now he
checks on them and reports temps to me!!! Altho I do hear him tell them "EGGS! I want EGGS!"

Here they are in their new 'digs' - - my plan is to move them out to the coop @ 4 - 5 weeks with a heat lamp - it is totally enclosed so I think they will do fine - I will not open the pop-door until they are fully feathered.........now if I could just stop them from scratching all the chips into the waterer.....

We've brooded ducklings and goslings in our spare bathroom tub for two years now-- it is an absolutely IDEAL set up. Can't imagine why it wouldn't work equally perfectly for chicks.

I bet you'll love it!
My DH has been really great but he is done with the smell of our basement... he says he comes in and the whole house stinks

so he has said no more in the house... & not to mention I have a 2.5 month old boy crowing down there

LOVE IT though
What a cool setup! I had 24 chicks last year in our antique clawfoot bathtub (inside a very large cardboard box). It made for a warm and cozy space for them, but eventually made for a very dusty bathroom. My DH is out scrounging right now in hopes of finding an old chest type freezer that we can turn into a brooder to use out in the storage building. It'll be insulated and we can cut out a place in the lid for hardware cloth and to place the heat lamp. It's really nice to be able to check on them often when they're inside, though. Have fun!

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