Look who I found in my coop last night!

Well, when they arrive like that how can you turn her out! Since you're dusting the free-ranges anyway, you'll do her a favor and maybe she'll stay. I feel this way about the feral cats that arrive, a few more bits of kibble in the bowl to save a life...
They want to start shooting the wild turkeys that are in my town. The people are complaining about the damage they do. I personally think it's ridiculous since they are the same people who started feeding the birds in the first place! The town also wants to start an ordinance forbidding people from feeding wildlife. Horrible when we have to have ordinances governing people instead of common sense :|
Too cute!
I've had a wild turkey calling to my flock, but so far hasn't been brave enough to stay for an overnight visit.
I'd keep her. Or well, offer up lodging without the option of leaving:lol:
We had a parrot land in our tree, made a wonderful pet while we looked for an owner. Noone claimed her, and she hates hubby, loves me, who am I to judge a bird
I've had them in my front yard and one flew into the backyard once. But when I went out to get pictures she flew back over the fence. Too cool!
The problem is that most HUMANs have had the common sense breed right out of them so someone has to tell them what to do. DO NOT FEED THE BEARS signs have to be errected because some numbnut thinks its Cool to throw marshmellows or half a sandwich to a bear, then the next person shows up with marshmellows and gets attacked by a bear because he has marshmellows in his pocket. Common sense would say to not feed wild animals, but if common sense doesnt prevail, big brother must step in, cause god forbid we should allow the bears to just start eating any IDIOT that is able to be cornered by thebears. Wait we have guns so we could just make all bears endangered species. (Wait didnt we already do this so now there are Laws against shooting bears)

Another problem is with putting up housing developements is that in order to put them up you have to destroy natural habitat, so where does the Wild animall have to go? Through your yard into your garbage/ flower bed etc... and its the animals fault.
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