Look y'all; it's a chupacabra!

Nope. Not a dog with mange. It is something else. You know, our eyes can only percieve a tiny portion of the light spectrum...maybe we just can't percieve it as humans...
It's just a coyote with mange.

Now I, on the other hand, DO have a crazy story to tell! One night we were driving through Arizona and it was really early morning probably 2 am or so and we are on this winding road through the forest, I see this thing on the side of the road, that looked like it could have been a bear hunched over with it's back facing us, or a person hunched over with a fur cloak. I looked at my boyfriend and he looked at me and I said "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT!" I was SCARED, it freaked me out because it wasn't moving like an animal. By the time I thought to turn around it was too late because there was no where to turn around on the winding road. To this day it still haunts me. And to make matters worse I was listening to KOGO late one night and they were talking about how there is some unidentified thing running around in Arizona, and they even had callers come on that said they saw a "thing" just like the "thing" I saw!!!!! CREEPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Creepy is right! Makes me wonder who else has those 'what the heck was that thing' stories. I think I'll start another thread! And then go to bed. Don't want the chupacabra to get me...
He has a cute little tail....chupacabras aren't that cute...

that ones a show quality one...Ive seen some with moles and liver spots and hair sticking out of weird places...WEIRD
I don't think that's the case. In the video, the woman said Coyote on the father's side, and Mexican Wolf on the mother's side (or did I reverse that?). That leads me to believe they compared Y-chromosome DNA (which is passed paternally) and mitochondrial DNA (which is passed maternally). But...it doesn't mean that its mother was a Mexican Wolf. The same results could be had if it's mother's mother, or mother's mother's mother, or mother's mother's mother's.......mother was a Mexican Wolf. Mitochondrial DNA is passed down ONLY from the mother, with no contribution from the father, so the animal might be only a tiny percentage Mexican Wolf and still maintain the mitochondrial DNA of that species, if there can be an unbroken female line of descent drawn between the two.

Science is fun.


Here is a local mystery. Check it out, a skull found about 10 miles from my house. In the article it said it was small, but the one I saw was a bit larger than a basketball. Not sure if this is the same one, but looks just like it or VERY close to it. There is a picture at the very botton saying it is a dog skull, but the one I seen myself was huge!

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